
Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

One of the things I adore about this beautiful blogging community is the way it allows bloggers to communicate with each other. You leave a comment and, if you’ve done everything correctly on your part, I can respond to you via the email you have set to your blog name.

Can I just take the time to reiterate how you need to pair your email with your comment name? It’s so frustrating when I want to respond to a question or a great comment and I have no where to send my reply. (Smeagle, this means you. Bren J, you’re another one. There’s more, but I’m drawing a blank right now… not enough coffee.)

Stacey is actually one too, but because she emailed me out of the blue one day, I have her email addy at the ready. I’m pretty sure it was the post that said that I wanted to know who was willing to talk to a stranger and she emailed me her number and said that she’d call when she got a chance. She was pregnant then, so I’m pretty sure she had other things on her mind. Sniff, sniff.

So. Anyway…

Yesterday, in the comments, Stacey said :

I would have done it in the pan, too. You’re not the only one! As far as the
cake goes, it’s not shocking that you tried to rescue it… that would have
crossed my mind for sure :o) Maybe he’ll surprise you with chocolate cake one of
these nights!

To which I replied something like, “Yeah! That would be awesome!” – or something equally brilliant.

(Now you need to understand that I have my comments set to go to my work email since that’s where I have the most time to respond to comments. When I send out a reply, sometimes I don’t erase my work number from the outgoing emails because a) I forget or 2) I know the writers well enough via the blogs that I’m comfortable enough to have that number get into their hands.)

Stacey replied immediately with “Personally, I think so! Maybe I need to send him an anonymous tip :o) You don’t know how many times I see your name and phone # below and think, ‘I should just call and surprise her!’ Then I chicken out and don’t go through with it.”

Screeeeech! Why on earth would anyone be afraid to talk to me? (Jeana, don’t answer that.)

So I did what I should have done long ago. I called her… and got her voicemail. My message was short and to the point. “Hey, this is Shalee. Quit being a chicken, you big dummy.” Click.

Now wouldn’t that message just make you want to talk with me?

She called about 10 minutes later with a laugh and an “Alright, alright.” I inquired as to why she was chickening out and she said (and I quote) “Because you’re The Great Shalee with the big blog and the big audience, and I was too scared to talk with you.”

Huh? Am I being Punked!? I mean, it’s not like she’s talking to Boomama, Shannon, Dooce or anyone like that. I’m just Shalee who puts her pants on the same way that everyone else does: by holding in my stomach and praying that the zipper won’t bust. (What? You don’t do that? Whatever.)

And that’s when it really hit me: It’s all in the eye of the viewer. Though I may feel small and insignificant at times (okay – more than I want to really admit), there are others who are intimidated by me and my 8 – 20 comments (on a good day). At least I hope that’s why they’re shy. It’s not my breath, is it? I brush, honest! Someone who has hit the big time is different for me than it is for someone else. And that’s okay. It’s all in our perspectives.

Stacey and I had a wonderful conversation, by the way. It lasted at least 20 minutes, which if you know me, is a marathon in my book. She’s funny, sweet and way more patient with her kids when she’s on the phone than I ever am. I sure wish I had her around to mentor me when my kids were little…

Anyway, I just wanted to set the record straight. I’m not intimidating really. I laugh too loudly and I’m usually slightly higher on the wacky-o-meter, but really I’m just like you. I like chocolate, I want friends and I sweat the small stuff that doesn’t deserve any attention. You know, normal. So don’t be afraid to speak out on the blog or in real life. I might even answer my phone when you call. (Poor you.)

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It’s time for a little shout out to the Lord, so you know that it must be Gratituesday, where one can be vocally thankful for something in life.

I’m most grateful today for bloggy love. There are times when God uses one of you to say the thing I needed to hear or to do just the thing I needed done to feel that extra measure of support, friendship, understanding, encouragement and yes even discipline.

For the record, I don’t like the discipline one so much.

This post isn’t about the discipline one though. Woo hoo! This post is about the encouragement I’ve received of late. Susanne gave me notice yesterday that I was up for a bloggy award at An Island Place. What a joy to click over there to see me in the running with the likes of Scribbit or 5 Minutes for Mom!

Great, I’ve just scared myself because those ladies are in the BIG TIME.

Anyway, I found it funny at the timing because just this weekend, I was thinking about why I’m writing my blog. I’ve got all the reasons that most of you have, but was it enough for me? Comments have almost dwindled to nothing so it’s hard to know if many are reading. Am I just writing for myself or is all that in my mind? I don’t think the little green monster is in the way because I love reading others and seeing that they’ve got followings in the tens or hundreds.

It was after coming to the decision that I love the friendships that I’ve made through blogging and if I never have more than 10 comments again I would be okay that God sent Susanne to tell me about the poll. It was like the icing on the cake because do you know what category my blog is in?

“Most Likely To Succeed”

That just makes me giggle at the irony. It’s like is God saying, “Hey, I’m not done here and I know that you need a pat on the back once in a while to keep going, so here it is. Now get back to work.”

So I’m grateful today for the way that God uses you to help me, even when you don’t realize that you’re doing anything, and I’d be even more grateful if you went over and voted for me in the polls. My platform is good and there will be a delayed pie celebration at my house if I win. Just wait until we move to come on over. I’ll have that spare room ready and I’ll probably have found my pie plates by then…

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Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

It’s that time of year again – the time where you put all your hopes into the hands of others and pray that the Random Number Generator will be your best friend time and time again…

If this is the first time at Shalee’s Diner, then welcome! Coffee is on the house for you, and you’ve just got to try some of the strawberry pie… it’s that good. As the sign says, I’ll be serving the same slop as I always do. Now doesn’t that just make you feel special?

If you’re a regular, then welcome back. You’re seats have been awaiting your derriere and as usual, pour your own coffee. I’ll bring “your usual” when I get a moment. Oh, and I’m putting off the 1986 post until next Monday. I don’t think anyone except my Mom or Chris will be disappointed about that delay…

This time I’ve got a fun bag to give away and it just shouts “Spring!!!” And to model it, I once again enlisted the help of The Girl.

Notice the brightness of the bag and those cute, adorable dots?

Did you see how deep it goes?

Just think of all the goodies you could sneak into the pool this summer if only you had this amazing bag!

If you don’t need a new bag, can I interest you in a new hat?

Or tiara?

How about an apron?

Hey, you shouldn’t use the bag as The Girl is using it right now… Oooo, she’d better watch it! The Boy is getting bigger and stronger every day and one day, he’s gonna let her know it. I’m just saying… (Oh, I hope I’m not the one around when that happens. That should totally happen on Mr. Right’s watch.)

Alrighty little blogging buddies, if you would like to win this sweet carry-all, leave me a tip telling me what kind of suntan lotion you love to use.

And just to sweeten the prize: for every comment that the winner (yet to be determined by the handy dandy number generator) leaves on the Tuesday through Friday posts, up to one comment a day, I’ll add a mini prize to the bag. (For example: If you’re the winner of this giveaway and you leave comments on Wednesday’s post and Thursday’s post, then you get two addition prizes that will fit in the bag. Make sense? And don’t ask me what they are because I only just thought of this little brainstorm, and now I’ve got to figure out what those prizes might be. Sometimes I’m too smart for my own good…)

So the more you actually talk to me, the more you can win! It’s a win-win for everyone, especially me because I love chatting with y’all!

The drawing, open to ALL bloggers – no matter if you live in the tundra of Siberia or the tropics of South America or any place in between – will be left open until 12:00 CST Friday night (April 25th). I’ll draw the winner on Saturday, and please, for the love of trying to make things easier on poor old waitress, would you be kind enough to make sure that I can easily contact you? If you don’t have a blog, then please leave your email address so that I know where to leave the check tip.

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Are you looking for a little pick me up between Sunday and Thankful Thursday? Are you seeking ways that God is active not only in your life, but the life of others? Well, then let me share a bit about Gratituesday with you!

My friend Laura (not the friendship like I am with many of you – this is the real deal! We’ve been in Chorus together in college, had babies at the same time, played cards and games on fun nights, had girl talks about our men… you know real life friends. And look! She still talks to me! Bonus…)

Where was I? Oh yeah, my friend Laura at Heavenly Homemakers has decided to use every Tuesday as a day to be grateful. She says that she wants to use Tuesday “where I post about something I’m grateful for or something about how God is working in my life. I’m working to expand this and would really like to use it as a way to encourage others all over Bloggyland. Beginning this Tuesday, I’ll be using Mr. Linky so that others with blogs can write their own Gratituesday post, then link up at my site…and then we can all read about how God is blessing people!”

Sound like your kind of everyday encouragement? Then head on over to Laura’s place and let the gratefulness begin! It’s really easy to think of a praise when you stop to recognize how God loves each and every one of us.

My gratefulness is the joy of having employment that I actually enjoy. I can’t be a stay at home Mom; our finances are such that I must work if we’re going to do fun things… like eat and have electricity. I know. We’re wild here. But I am constantly amazed that God has given me a wonderful place to work, with two coworkers that I really like, and for a boss who is kind, fun and understanding, especially when it comes to the kids. Where else could I have lots of time to read books, blog and still feel as if I’ve accomplished something good in a day, like executing a meeting for 20 people with only a moment’s notice? Having a job as such takes the sting out of not being at home. Thank you God for this wonderful way to make a living.

Now what about you? Do you have something for which you can be grateful? If you feel like sharing, write your own post, spread the word about Gratituesday and add your words to the Mr. Linky! It’s so much easier to be happy when you remember that you have reasons to be!

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I cannot tell you why I started Shalee’s Diner. It actually was a misunderstanding from the start.

All I wanted to do was leave a comment on Antique Mommy’s blog. That’s it. But being a novice at all things blogging, I did not realize that she had hers set to “No anonymous comments,” and eventually I wound up, unbeknownst to me, creating a blog just to say, “You crack me up!” or something equally riveting or intelligent.

(But God knows why.)

I cannot pull out detailed charts explaining a defined plan for the future of Shalee’s Diner. I don’t really have a description that even accurately describes this place I call home. Some days I have funny stories about marriage or life. Some stories are frustrations or moments of stupidity (mostly on my part). Some posts are about the wonders or dumbstruck moments that come with having children. Some days are tidbits of insight that God has let me glimpse when I least expect it, either through His Word, a life lesson or a friend. Some stories are about how God has hit me over the head with a 2×4 to say “I’m in control here. Your job is to breathe.” And yet, other stories are just about things that make the essence of life – like pies and really good books.

(But God has a plan.)

What I can say is that, for some reason, God has increased my desire to be in the blogosphere, writing for others and writing for myself, getting to know those who are in this mysteriously inviting place. He’s made me want to know people who are thousands of miles away and others who are next door. Oh the comradarie, the encouragement, the wisdom from others, the humor of you funny people! 

I’m becoming increasingly aware that though we are not all the same, we are all His. None are perfect, yet we all have been deemed worthy of being loved and to love. What I thought I knew so resolutely, God is softening my stubbornness into an open, receiving, teachable heart. As I let Him, I’m finding more and more of His wisdom and how little I know about so many things. These last two items, my friends, are very good things.

(God can reach even the likes of me.)

For these reasons, I ask to be selected for the scholarship that Lysa TerKeurst at Proverbs 31 Ministries is giving away for the She Speaks Conference in Concord, North Carolina on June 20-22. In attending this life-changing, information-filled, three day conference, I hope to learn how to better express in writing what is on my heart (no matter the subject), how to become a better spokesperson for God – in my successes and (more likely) my struggles and how to be able to spin a yarn and have readers say, “Yeah, I get that. Boy, do I hear you, sister!”  

And if truth be told, I also want to go so that I can make faces at Shannon, Big Mama and BooMama while they’re trying to be all business-like and serious as the Blog Speakers.  Well, Shannon will be all businessy, but I think my showing up will give Melanie and Sophie a real, live example of “What Not To Wear… Or Do With Your Hair”.  Heck, a run to Steinmart might even be in order once they get a good glimpse of me.

Getting them to crack a smile while talking to the crowd, now that would be like icing on this God-filled cake.  

Another reason I hope to be selected is that I’d like to bring my daughter for the Next Generation sessions of She Speaks Conference. The Girl is such a great example of “love with skin on” and has such a God-loving heart. For her to have these most excellent sessions so early in life (sessions that will encourage her, help her introduce Jesus to her friends and become comfortable/able to stand up for her beliefs that go against the norm) would be a gift that will keep on giving in the years to come. As a mom, I can think of no better thing for a daughter to learn, other than the true meaning of grace.

And lastly, to prove that I am in need of writing help, I can’t think of a great way to wrap up this post.  Surely listening at the feet of others with a bit more experience will keep these moments in check…  well, mostly anyway.  
I’m just asking for help here, not a miracle.  But I’d take one of those too.

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In case this is your first time at Shalee’s Diner, let me share a few things about it first.  
Hi.  My name is Shalee and I’ll be your server today.  As you can see from the profile, this place proudly serves “the same slop everyday.”  From book reviews to life with kids to the occasional insight to God/grace/forgiveness/faith (usually by means of some stupid thing that Shalee has done) to the joys of marriage to ways to get an IT person to laugh and then actually fix your problem, it all gets served with a smile.
And, of course, being a diner, there’s always pie. Because coffee and pie were just meant to be together.  Kind of like Mr. Right and me, but with whipped cream.  
Okay, okay… I know you’re sitting there saying, “Just get on with the giveaway already!  There’s other prizes to win out there with my name on it, so let’s just move along…”
My giveaway is from Bath and Body Works.  It’s a beautiful, fun tote that just screams “Spring!  Wherefor art thou, Spring?!  I am ready for someone to fill me with a book, a snack and all the other mommy junk that cannot be left behind so that we can sit in the sun and relish the rays!”
Let’s let the beautiful and talented The Girl model it for you.

See?  Isn’t she a beaut?  The bag’s not bad either.  

Ummm, I have her enrolled in Big Mama’s Fashion Fridays, but so far, the advice hasn’t took… Poor girl, she’s just like her mother…

(The Boy wanted to model it too, but Mr. Right said no.  I think he’s realizing that the picture could come back to haunt him some day… oh around high school.)
Inside is a zipped pocket for all the candy bars that you don’t want your kids to see.  On the other side are pockets – one perfect for a cell and the other one is perfect for your keys so you won’t have to dig around for days looking for them at the bottom of the tote.  They thought of everything…
So if you want the tote, please leave a comment telling me three things you’ll put in the tote.  I’ll leave the drawing open until 11:59 PM Saturday, February 2nd.  Please make sure that I have some way to reach you if you’re the winner – blog address, email, smoke signals… something that will let you know that the bag is yours.  If I can’t reach you easily, I’ll have the random number generator pick someone else, so please don’t let stop you from winning.  The winner will be announced on Sunday, February 3rd sometime between church and the Super Bowl – but not after.  I’ll be too busy watching the last game of the season.  (sniff)  But I have to say this now:  Go Giants!

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Hers For The Asking

One of the things I love most about my BBFF Kelli is that she has a heart of gold.  She trusts God so completely and has such beautifully visible faith that you can’t help but see the light of Christ in her.  In all things she praises her maker and in all things she trusts that God has a plan.

The question I now ask is this:  Are you a part of that plan?
For you see, although Kelli has a heart of gold, her kidney is not.  It’s trying to go kaput on her.   The long and the short of it is that Kelli needs a kidney from a live donor.  She’s extremely hard to match, but she knows that with God, all things are possible.  
If you feel the need to give to Kelli in a number of ways – prayer, blogging about her situation, supporting her financially or even donating a kidney, would you please head on over to Kelli’s place – Living In Grace – to find out more?  She gives an explanation of what is involved with the process if you’re feeling the pull to give of yourself. 
There is a time for everything, even a time to help a friend (or stranger) in need.  And that time is now.

Find a Kidney for Kelli

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Aha! Caught In The Act!

What are you doing here?! Did you not understand that today is the Day to Read

Now leave a quick comment that you’ve been properly chastised and what reading material you are picking up to peruse. Then I’ll know who to pretend not to see when I’m leaving comments at the other blogs too.

But hey, I’m still reading a book. You’ll hear all about it in my review tomorrow…

Happy reading (and incognito surfing)!

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DAY TO READ campaign

Jen at Something to Say: Life in the Netherlands and Allison at Soccer Mom in Denial are launching this wonderful reading cause. Click here to find out how you too can sharpen your mind while still ignoring housework.

It’s all about priorities here people. It’s all about priorities.

I’m in. How about you?

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Well, it’s not really a problem per se. Well, no it is, but it’s one that can be remedied in a day or two and a little cash.

So here’s where I totally come clean and tell you what a thieving blogger I am. Forgive me, webfriends, for I have sinned.

You see, when we moved into the house a couple of years ago, we had every intention of getting DSL. We were all set for it. We had the number on the to-do list, but we hadn’t gotten down that far because you know when you move into a house, you have no energy to anything other than try to convince your better half that he is the one who is supposed to call out for Chinese food because your body hurts more than his and you can’t possibly do anything other than eat and watch a movie.

And as we pulled out the laptop to watch some mindless movie when we really should be putting food in our pantry and finding our bathroom bag that had the toothbrushes because despite the exhaustion of a move, bad breath will does not take a vacation, we discovered to our surprise that we had internet access already. What that really meant is that we were piggybacking on someone’s wireless router. And since we were really feeling the crunch after a move (did you know that it’s expensive just to move across town?), we thought why buy the services now when we can wait a couple of months when whoever has the wireless blocks us from it?

And so we waited. And used the internet. And waited. And used the internet. (Rinse and repeat for 2 ½ years.)

But lo’ and behold, we came back from our Christmas trip at Grandma’s house to discover that someone got some firewall security for Christmas. And we have no internet access from home. Bummer.

So as I’m stopping by the library just so I can post, I’m just telling you that posting may be a bit scarce over the next few days while we decide which service is best for us. But who knows? I might just swing over to McDonald’s on my lunch break just to keep you on your toes!

Oh, and it’s also the reason I’ve not been at your blogs in a while. I’m not ignoring you. I’m just immobile for the moment. I am reading you on my breaks at work, but if you’re on Blogger, I’m blocked from your comments. Darn work filters!!! It’s as if they expect one to actually WORK there… What is this world coming to?

But don’t you worry your pretty little heads about us. We’ve seen the errors of our ways and we won’t do it again… unless when we move, we find the same cheap deal at our next house. (Just kidding! Sheesh, don’t you all start ragging on me in the comments section; well I guess you can. I won’t see it for the next few days anyway…)

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