
Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

I haven’t had a chance to post what I did last weekend because I’ve been swamped at work and at home.  Here’s just a review of what I’ve had to deal with the past few days.

  1. I took Thursday and Friday off from work.  You know what that means when I returned, don’t you?
  2. I had to think of a proper Shalee’s Diner giveaway gift.
  3. I had been looking for a great pie plate all weekend to no avail.  Finally, in the 11th hour, I found one I love for my giveaway.  Whew.  I’m not going to include writing the post because we all have that same time-consuming task.
  4. Did I mention that Mr. Right ordered eight TONS of dirt to go around our house?  Guess who is helping to move it all, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow?  I’m going to have some strong arms and a very sore back…
  5. The boy thought it would be a lot of fun to bury tools in the dirt we’re moving.  We’re still looking for the crowbar.  Pray for him.  He’s going to need it.
  6. In the midst of all this physical work (gah! I’m not built for it!), we had roofers show up and begin work on our house.  I love that it’s being done, but Hello!  How am I supposed to move dirt and how is my son supposed to find his “buried treasure” when you’re throwing wood shingles and dropping supplies?!
  7. The house is starting to have that “lived in” look… which is not a great thing around here.
  8. Halloween… need I say more?
Since I’m up stinkin’ early, I’m making time to tell you about this last weekend now.  Hey, better late than never!
I had the great blessing to visit with some very lovely ladies.  

See?  Aren’t they just the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen?  Antique Mommy (who doesn’t look her age AT ALL!), Jeana (who is just as witty in real life as she is on her blog) and Melanie, aka Chilihead (who is just as fabulous and funny as she is on her site)
The weather was perfect for our get together. Just look at the rising moon and the sunrises that we were able see. (Yeah, even on a trip, I can’t sleep in. Sigh.)

We made it our own sort of fall retreat which really means that we got together, drank some scrumptiously smooth wine, ate as if we were in college all the time, talked each others ears off and relaxed as only mothers without children can do.

It was a slice of heaven.

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Better late than never is what I say!

Welcome to my addition to the Fall, Y’all! Bloggy Giveaway at Bloggy Giveaways – the place where good stuff can be found and friends can be made overnight. I mean, what speaks better to really grand friendships than bribery that says, “Hey! Come to my place and visit me. I’m really, really nice! See? I’ll prove it. I have something really nice to give to someone who will visit me!”

Yeah. I’m all over that. Because really, I need all the help I can get.

I missed the last giveaway due to circumstances that weren’t on my control. (But really y’all, can you blame me for wanting to go on a week vacation with the man of my dreams and my reality rather than staying home and visiting all the beautiful sites in the giveaway? I mean, we’re talking really quality time in the most beautiful setting that I’ve seen in a looooooong time.

See? I couldn’t have possibly visited everyone when I was on my own dream vacation getting the best giveaway present possible – Mr. Right’s heart. Sigh. I love that man.)

Where was I? Oh yeah, the giveaway.

So I thought I would give away something that is related to Shalee’s Diner. And if you read me at all, you know I love me some pie – apple pie in particular. MY interweb-famous apple pie if you want to know the truth of it.

So here’s the deal: The winner of my giveaway will get this lov-er-ly pie dish AND my apple pie recipe.

Yes, you did read that right – the Shalee’s Diner official apple pie recipe is on the block. Hey, I was serious about this friend thing.

Leave your comment below and I’ll pick one blessed winner on Sunday – sometime after the Patriots-Colts game. I have to tell you though, I’m giving kudos and “I really hope I pick you” vibes to the commenters who share with me why Manning should make Brady cry on Sunday. (And if you don’t know who they are, you need to email me and I’ll give you the 4-1-1 on them both.)

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Okay, I’ve got to be straight with you.  I’ve been feeling really down in the dumps lately, especially about blogging.   One of the things I love about this blogosphere is the camaraderie, the conversations that ensue from posts, the general feelings of being accepted among the internets.  But I’ve noticed a sharp decline in comments over the past few months.  Add to that the drop of Blogline subscribers.  It really made me wonder if I had offended half of blogland, and they just took their marbles and left without telling me.
Recently, Mr. Right asked about the blog and for the very first time in my blogging history, I said, “Anhh.”  And then I couldn’t look at him because I wanted to cry, and knowing him, he would not only let me, he would hold me and tell me that everything was going to be okay.  But I really didn’t care to look like a blotchy, big-nosed blowfish last night, so I just sat on the bed and pretended that everything was okay while I tried to figured out what to do and if I wanted to keep doing whatever it was I decided to do.
And then the next morning, God gave me some blessings that I didn’t see coming.   
Ashley at twenty six cats awarded me this heart-warmer and these sweet words.
Shalee’s Diner: She cracks me up. I’m especially enjoying her recent posts about life lessons. I will also forgive her for using Comic Sans on her blog.
Thanks for the forgiveness, Ashley.  I can always use a bit more of that in my life…  But mostly, thanks for letting me know that I still make someone smile.
In addition to the first award, Kim at The Bitter Ball passed a really nice award on to me along with kind words when I needed to hear them.  This was how she announced in the comments that she was giving me an award:  Although I don’t comment here often, I read your blog everyday. You have a way of making my day a little brighter. Stop by my blog if you get a chance… I passed an award on to you!  
That comment alone was like a balm to my soul and an award in and of itself.  And then, of course, I cried.  Hey, I just can’t not cry two days in a row when the feeling is there…  I gave in and enjoyed it, blotchy face and all.
Here’s what she gave me.

Shalee at Shalee’s Diner. She is just one of the sweetest ladies in the blogging world. Her kindness and love show in each and every post she writes. Reading her blog just makes you feel good! Check out her blog, it will leave you with a nice feeling and a smile.

Thank you, Ashley and Kim, for letting God use you to lift my spirits.  He knew just what I needed at just the right time.
And in addition to the wonderful awards, I’ve been blessed incredibly the last two days by Barb, Jeana and Chili.   When they each asked how I was doing, I was able to dump on them and they each in their own way comforted me.  These are the true, deep rewards to blogging: having friends across the miles.
Barb thanks for verifying that I’ve not offended anyone.  Your kind words set me at ease.
Jeana, thanks for honesty between us.  When you pointed out that I may be loosing readers due to my posting numerous posts I’ve not actually written, I hadn’t even considered that those posts would be a deterrent.  I was just posting some things that had spoken to me lately.  So I’ll get back to writing my own stuff and letting y’all into my “real life.”  (But I’ll still post things that speak to me.  I’ll just scatter them out a bit more.)
Chili, thanks for telling me to just get my funk on and get it out of the way.  I’m one of those “I shouldn’t even have a funk because my life is so good” people, so your advice gave me the freedom to accept my funk and then let it go.  I feel much better now, thank you very much.
I’m going to wait to spread the blog love.  This post is long enough and I want to focus on others properly when I do pass them on to various bloggers.  But if you’ve made it thus far, thanks and cheers to your wading through to the end.

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Southern Girl, me and Karla

Where, oh where do I even begin? It was such a fantastic time, I’m having a hard time organizing my thoughts… Last night Mr. Right and I had the pleasure of spending time with some blogging friends: Karla and her family and Southern Girl and her mom. And to top it off, Karla invited a (not so old) friend from my childhood – William and his family.

When we arrived and Karla opened her door, I knew immediately that I had met her before when we where at college. (The really neat part of talking with Karla is that we have found that we went to the same college, we’ve actually met in real life way back then, her preacher came to our church recently, we have several friends in common, really this list can continue on and on…) We hugged and talked as if we weren’t meeting for the first time. I love that kind of relationship! (And when her husband Dan came home, it was the same all over. I knew I had met him, even if he couldn’t remember me… What can I say? I’ve grown into my making a lasting impression, I guess.)

When I entered into their new house (which was absolutely gorgeous, by the way!), introductions to Southern Girl were quickly underway. Let me just tell you all now: Southern Girl is just as sweet and lovable in real life as she is on her blog. I wanted to just wrap her up, stick her in my pocket and take her home. (But her mom wouldn’t let me.) Again it was like old home week in our discussions. I didn’t feel as if I was meeting a stranger for the first time; I felt as if I was talking with a long-time friend.

And look at this beautiful piece of artwork that Southern Girl so graciously made for me.

Is this not one of the most beautifully crafted crosses you’ve ever seen? Southern Girl, I know JUST where it is going at home. Thank you for your sweet thoughtfulness.

After talking a bit with the everyone, Ainsley so sweetly requested, “Come on! Let’s go play!” and so I was off for a time of shopping, piano playing, spying all the rooms and hide and seek. That girl is so sweet I could eat her with a spoon! All manners and smiles, she didn’t even baulk when I said that I wanted to go spend time with the adults. She just led me into the living room and sat beside me. And when she did, she so politely and kindly said, “She has prickly legs just like you, Mama!” We all laughed well on that one, and then I watched Southern Mama adjust her pant legs so that Ainsley couldn’t get near her skin…

Soon William and his family arrived, and it was hugs all around again. He’s the same as I remember him – funny, fun-loving and wacky guy that I remember from church. He really became my extended family by the way that our families spent so much time together – church, youth group, bus programs, potlucks, family game nights, Thanksgiving… our families were together all the time when I was growing up. So this night became a mini family reunion for me too.

A funny story: When Robin asked, “Who is this girl that we’re going to meet?”, William replied, “She’s the girl that everyone said that she and I would get married when we were growing up.” Then he laughed. And I have to admit that it made me laugh when I heard that because first of all, no one said it to me when we were younger; secondly, we would have driven each other crazy by the time we were walking down the aisle; and thirdly, that would be like marrying my brother – which really just gives me the willies! (In a good way, William… in a good way.)

A picture for his mama…I love his wife, Robin! She is so beautiful from the inside out. She and William have just celebrated their first anniversary, and you can tell that they’re so good for each other. Really, I just wanted to meet the girl who would “put up with” William. I think William has finally met his match.

And to top it off, William became an instant daddy. Courtney loves William which anyone can tell is a blessing in and of itself. She calls him Daddy, talks with him as if he deserves respect and love and plays with him as if she’s done so all her life. It’s really great to see them all so blessed with each other.

Dinner of fried chicken, beans, slaw, biscuits and strawberries was perfect! Karla, you were right: Gus’ makes some mighty fine, finger-lickin’ good chicken. And Southern Mama brought a fun-looking dessert that complimented the meal very nicely. I just love being back in the land of really great food!

We had to say goodbye to Southern Girl and her mom as they had to leave early. But I’m so happy that they made time to visit with us. It really was a treasure. (And as a great side note to all you Southern Girl readers: She may be back sooner than she said… She just has to go visit her boyfriend first…)

After dinner we talked, laughed and then we taught them the thrill of “Swap!”, which only lead to more laughter and talking. Games were a perfect way to round out this fun-filled night!

(L to R: Robin, Courtney, me, William, Dan, Ainsley and Karla)
Thanks to everyone for making this last leg of the Bloggity Tour so much fun. I’m looking forward to a reunion next year too!

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I Would Walk 500 Miles

I love the song I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by the Proclaimers.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door

But I would like to change the words to that fabulous song just a bit…

But I would blog 500 posts
And I would blog 500 more
Just to be the girl who blogs a thousand posts
And then a couple more

I’m celebrating my 500 milestone in true diner-style today. Free pie for everyone! (But don’t forget to leave a tip for your server… That would be me, by the way.)

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It might be me on the other end.

In an unheard-of run of telephone marathoning, I – a person who is at random times very uncomfortable with being on the phone – made several calls to individuals with whom I’ve been wanting to speak.

My first call was with Barb. Now the funny thing is that Barb and I emailed for at least half an hour earlier in the day about all sorts of stuff, one of which was the fact that I can’t – I mean it’s physically impossible for me – be on the phone for hours on end. When I’ve had my fill of phone time (which you must understand has nothing to do with the person on the other end, but has everything to do with me and my quirky self), I gotta go and I gotta go quickly. I was just setting the perimeters of how I call. And you know what? Barb said she was the same way. I knew there were even more reasons to like her! So when she answered her phone and I identified myself, she said, “Oh hi, Shalee. I gotta go. Bye.” I said, “Okay, talk to you later.” Then we laughed. And that started the entire talk fest. We both talked til we were ready to get off the phone; our jitters to cease the call started at the same time, so that helped to avoid any awkward, embarrassing moments.

And time flew, as it should when you’re having fun. Barb, you haven’t heard the last of me yet! And we will meet someday. Oh yes, we will meet… and we’ll drink dirty martinis and eat lots of really bad for us, but good night it tastes so good food!

After finding that I loved the phone time with Barb, I figured I might as well give my weekly phone message to Boomama‘s cell. I say that because we have had the worst time getting a hold of each other. Either she’s out of service or she’s on the line with Big Mama or Emma Kate or she’s out washing the cat… It would be absolutely comical if I could figure out some funny way to tell it, but it’s too late now. Anyway, imagine my surprise when she actually answered the phone! I was speechless for a moment because it was so unexpected. (Someone take note: There was a day when I was at a loss for words.) I recovered quickly and then proceeded to talk first with Alex (a gentleman and a sweetheart all in one and I’d take him home if he’d let me – and the chances are he would with the way he’s ditching his parents to stay with his grandparents…) and then with Boomama herself. And the part I loved best? She started in on a great conversation as if I have known her since second grade. Yet another great conversation that made the clock swirl around to show the end of day. I can’t wait to have another conversation with her about anything and everything and nothing at all.

I tried to give a call to Addie, but she was out playing somewhere…

And to top off the night, I gave a much needed call to Heather, the one who I was supposed to talk to last Monday, but life happened on her part and so I promised to call last Friday while driving up to see my kids, but I was a bonehead and forgot all about it. And I should have called her when I was driving back from seeing the kids, but like a good rider in a car, I got lost in a good book and then promptly forgot again. I’m such a liarhead… So I made the call and confessed my idiocy. Fortunately she forgave me. We too talked for almost an hour. She’s such a doll and a strong lover of God. I want to have faith like her if when I grow up.

But wait!! There’s more! Addie called me back when I was on the phone with Heather. So I debated if my “I won’t call anyone after 9:30 PM” rule was still in effect, but I threw caution to the wind and called her anyway. We laughed and giggled and decided that we need to get together sometime after our blogging trip anniversary getaway.

So maybe there is something to reaching out and touching someone after all…

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First off, we saw our kids, we had a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see them again in 12 more days.

Life is very good on their end. The girl is at camp now, enjoying time with her friends. I’ve already lined up for her to receive 3 packages while she’s there, each with some good camp snack foods like mini Oreos, mini Nutter Butter cookies, Teddy Grahams, Twizzlers, Laffy Taffy and more Jolly Ranchers than she and her cabin can eat… or not. They’re all 11ish in age. They might have each of the items devoured before lunch. My only satisfaction is that she has to sing or, in one case, to do the Chicken Dance in order to get her mail. (I wrote that specific instruction on the outside of the package.) I love being the parent. It’s thrilling to know the power I have over the child who wants a package of love from home.

The boy is with Grandma with ever intention of getting spoiled this week. He’s already informed me that he is going to ask Grandma to take him to get a Frosty. He has high ambitions, but at least they’re realistic.

Now for the BIG NEWS…

Mr. Right and I will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary on the 24th of this month. (15! Where has all the years gone? We were just a couple of young lovers a few years ago… now we’re the mentors in our Young Married/Newlyweds link at church. We’re more of the “What NOT to do” examples, but hey, if it keeps others healthy and happy in their marriage, I’m all for being that example. I think I got off course here somewhere… I’m getting back on track now.)

For our celebration, we’ve determined to go to a place that neither of us has been, yet we both have a wish to visit. So we’ve made plans to take a trip to the Smoky Mountains. We both long to see those mountains, walk the trails and just breath in God’s presence in some of the great untouched beauties of his world. And way back when, when I was trying to decide what my boss would get me for Assistant Appreciation Day, I decided that he would buy us white water rafting rides for Mr. Right and me and I decided that he would throw in horseback riding too. (He was shocked in the good sense when I told him what he bought me. I think I moved up a couple of points in his eyes.) So we have quite the outdoorsy week planned in the mountains, and it couldn’t be any more perfect if I had planned it. Oh wait. I did plan it. Well, that makes it even better! But really God deserves all the glory in it, so I’m giving it to him.

Knowing that we were heading in that direction of the U.S., I begged and pleaded asked Mr. Right politely if we could carve out some time to visit with some bloggers who I knew to be around that area. After staring at me as if I had 3 heads and then rolling his eyes only once, he said that it sounded like fun to meet some of my friends, and he only made the condition that the meetings be scheduled for the weekend before and the weekend after our time in Gatlinburg (TN), which I thought was fair considering it is supposed to be our “I’m so glad I’m with you” anniversary trip and all… So, before he could recant his act of generosity, I contacted some of the bloggers who I knew to be from that area of the country and asked if they would meet with me for some one on one fellowship and, of course, some great food.

So I proudly announce to you my Blogging Tour and those who were foolish enough bored enough bullied into kind enough to carve out time in their schedules to meet with us:

  • The Thankful, Always Encouraging and very courageous Peach from Without Fear, who said yes before I gave her any details
  • The ever-elusive because she’s on a temporary blogging break (which has nothing to do with me!) Shayne from Better Is One Day In Your Courts
  • The blogger with whom I found out I actually went to college and we have multiple co-friends who’ll get to meet when I go back home to Memphis Karla from Ainsley’s Mom
  • The other blogger who is just a tad on the side of being obsessive about her boyfriend Clay Aiken, yet I just knew I had to meet in Memphis too – Southern Girl
  • And I need y’all’s help with this last one because only God can make this meeting happen, but I told her that I would be asking all of you to lift up this request for a meeting to God on my behalf. If you would pray that God will make it so that I can throw a real hug around the neck of Boomama, I would be ever-so-appreciative. (But seriously, it ain’t gonna happen without God’s help, so please add that to you’re prayer list, would you? That girl is busy beyond belief, but I’m really praying that she can squeeze me into her schedule, along with some good southern food of course…)

So that’s it. We’ll be taking the Magical Bloggity Tour starting on the 2oth, and I’m really hoping that I can blog about it as I go. We’ll wrap it up around the 29th in Memphis. It should be fun and exciting! Oh yeah, and I’ll be having a great time on my anniversary trip too…

P.S. To you burgulars out there who might be getting a notion or two: We’ve a housesitter who has a bat and isn’t afraid to use it, not to mention some very nosy neighbors who will come over to see what you’re doing and then boss you around when they see you. Not to mention a cat who will shed all over you if you make it into the house. Besides, we don’t have the good stuff. We don’t watch tv and we bought our stereo for $70 at Walmart 2 years ago. Really, it won’t be worth your time at all. You really want the rich neighborhood two streets east of us. But I can sell you the house if you’re in the market for one…

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The Good

I saw my kids for about an hour yesterday. When I went into work, I told my boss that there was a distinct possibility that Mr. Right and the kids would be by on their way to the other grandparents, and if they did come by, please don’t ask me to do a thing for him because I didn’t want to be distracted. He stared at me a moment and then said okay. (He had to leave for the rest of the day after lunch, so it all worked out for the best!)

The kids, still in pjs and having major bedhead, showed up to my office and they never looked better. They both are as tall as the jolly green giant (What were you serving them, Gina and Grandma? Growth hormones?) and just as animated as can be. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk! From all sides, including mine.

The Bad

The kids are now at Mr. Right’s parents’ house for the rest of the summer. I know the kids will have a blast and cherish all the memories that will be made, but I still have a huge part of my heart that wants to be completely selfish with keeping them near me, even though I have to work most of the day. But to make it less bad that they are away, Mr. Right and I have planned to see them often, especially since these grandparents are only about 4 hours away. It will be so worth the gas to be with them.

The Ugly

I knew it would happen sooner or later. I just really hoped it would be later… a lot later. My work installed some sort of filter that keeps me from accessing my blogger account. And if that weren’t bad enough, I can read Blogger posts, but I can’t comment on them. I can, however, comment on Haloscan. I’m still discovering whose blogs I can access and whose I am barred. I just want to say that it reeks! So if you could pray that I could find a way to post and comment without eating into my family time (because that is one of my rules for me: I don’t blog from home so that my time can actually be spent with them), then I would greatly appreciate it. I’m going to just let God handle the details on this one…

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I’m joining in with Chili for her Tell Your Blogging Story link-a-thon, which we all know is really a ploy to up her traffic, but hey, it works for me. Plus, I’d like to find out more about we all came into existence, other than from God, that is…

  • How did you start blogging?

My blogging started like this: A friend at church sent me a link to Antique Mommy. This said person happened to be related to my friend in some distant sort of way: she was her fourteenth cousin on her mother’s side, twice removed… or something like that. Anyway, I read one of her posts that made me laugh out loud and I felt compelled to get up the nerve to say something to her, but being the blog idiot I was, I had fill out all sorts of stuff to say anything to her and I thought, “If it’s this much work to comment everytime, then I don’t think I have the time for it!” As it turned out, I was, unbeknowst to me, creating a blog the entire time. And the reason I had to create a blog? Well because AM had clicked “No Anonymous Comments” which lead me through the ordeal of creating a blog just so I could say, “You’re hilarious.” Yeah. Two months later, I got up the gumption to post this. Who’s sorry now, huh? Huh?

  • Did you intend to be a blog w/a following? If so, how did you go about it?

Following? A following? That’s like saying I intended for someone besides my family to actually read my drivel! Ummm, so the answer is no. I’m not sure I even have a following now, with my crappy posting and such. I’d love to be another Antique Mommy, Shannon, Boomama, Daring Young Mom (a real, live TV star!) or Big Mama, but really, I’m no where near as gifted as those ladies, and I just couldn’t stand under the pressure to be a perfect writer and look so darn beautiful all the time. I’m just a diner owner in a ponytail, with a new tagline: Serving the same slop everyday. (Did that one make you smile Jeana?)

  • What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals?

You mean this blog is supposed to have a purpose?! I totally missed the memo on that one… I guess if I had any kind of purpose, it would be to show the family members what’s going on with us and to make friends. But since I don’t think anyone in the family except Mr. Right, who of course is living the blog and knows that I’ll ask him what he thought about it anyway, and occassionally my sis-in-awe or my parents might read – but I wouldn’t know really, would I, because they rarely comment, not that I think that commenting is the ultimate end goal for them to read this post or is important to me in any way, shape or form or even to leave the occassional “hey, you suck but your kids are cute” comments… Ummm, where was I? I do, however, feel that I’ve definitely succeeded on the friends portion of my purpose. I look forward to talking with you and knowing what strikes you as funny and why makes you cry and how bad your days get and what made you smile. I love the comraderie that we all have and the fun that occurs in the comment sections and later maybe even on the phone.

  • Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How?

I’m more of the “out of focus” type blogger. I’m usually have no set themes, unless of course you include the “WFMW” stuff – which is really all Shannon, the recipes – which is really kudoing to Barb, the Memes – which are from everybody (Oiy! I just remembered that I still owe memes to Chili and Susanne!) and the emails that I send to my IT department. Okay, those IT posts are all mine. But I can’t run a blog on IT requests alone, so I try to throw in fun things like family times, birthday and random pictures of my cute kids. Yes, I do succumb to the “Awww” factor once in a while. You never know what you’re going to get when you come my way.

  • What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you started?

That Mr. Right would loose his job a month after buying our house, that I would become so much more faithful through trials, that I would enjoy the reading my Bible as much as I do, that I would love my kids so much that I could send them away for months at a time so that they can enjoy other family members, that I could have made a killing in the stockmarket if I had purchased… Oh, you mean about blogging! Oh, I wish I had known how time consuming it can be/addictive, and I really wish I had thought up the WFMW idea. I could have been Shannon – the most well-loved, stinking smart blogger I know. I also wish I could figure out how to be a reviewer so that I could get really cool things like a Nano, books, or neat gadgets to use around the house. Yeah, that would have been cool to have known before hand… And how much I look forward to the comments. Comments sometimes just totally make my day. So talk to me peeps! I won’t bite, I promise… well, not hard anyway, not enough to leave a mark… maybe just a playful nip here or there…

  • Do you make money with your blog?

Yes, but just a little bit. I do have the BizRate add off to the right. It’s not going to bring me anything I can live on, but it definitely has supported my book habit! I would consider doing other advertisements, but I would be very selective in which I might choose. And as Chili said, “I will gladly thank and link to anyone who would like to extend an invite to me to do BlogAds. Everyone I know who does it doesn’t have any invites. I would love to try BlogAds. Besides, don’t you get a cut of my profits? Win-Win!” Yeah, what she said.

  • Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why?

See above. They all know about it, but I don’t think they all read it. They may read occasionally just to see that we’re alive. My dad just told me yesterday that he’s way behind (due to travel and work, but he’s trying to get caught up. And honestly, I’m not going to beg them to read it. I want it to be something they choose to do rather than something that they feel obligated to do. It kind of takes the fun out of it when I know I’m guilting someone into reading the blog.

  • What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?

  1. Don’t measure yourself up to anyone else. You’re you, with your own style and presence and that shows in your posts. Enjoy your blog, make it your own and have fun.
  2. Pace yourself. Blog regularly. And lastly, set a time limit to blogging and stick to it or else you may find yourself looking at a clock saying, where have the last 8 hours gone!
  3. Read me. (Hey you knew I was going to say that… I am entirely self-centered in case you haven’t figured that one out yet.)

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For Heather

Remember this?

Well today’s the day.

Head on over to Boomama’s to send some love to a blogger in need. Let’s show this self-centered world that when one of us hurts, we all hurt, and when one of us needs something, we’ll give and give and give until we can make the hurt go away, even if it’s just a little bit of comfort – all to the glory of God. That, my friends, is part of the blessing with being a family!

And if you can’t spare anything in the financial realm, please stop what you’re doing, and give Heather the gift of prayer. She needs that more than she needs the other. (But give the other if you can.)

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