
Archive for the ‘Contest’ Category

So since I’m all about trying to win free good stuff (Target gift card from Blogged-In, A&E Romantic Classics from everyone – but most presently Barb), I might as well tell you about the Netflix giveaway at Kelli’s place, Living In Grace. She’s giving away a mighty fun prize.

“I’m giving away FOUR! FREE! starter memberships to Netflix. You will get a one month subscription to Netflix, and can rent up to three movies at any time. So, if you play your cards right, you could watch between TWELVE! and SIXTEEN! movies FREE! at home.

But wait! there’s more!
Netflix also lets you watch movies on your computer! Instantly!

But wait! There’s even MORE!
The winners will recieve a Movie Goodies Box from me, full of yummy treats to indulge in while watching their movies! (To win, you will need to be willing to trust me with your physical address).

Word on the street is that you shouldn’t trust her at all. I’m just sayin’…

I don’t want to tell you because I’m stinkin’ selfish and I’d love to watch some of may favorites-but-I-don’t-own-them movies, but really, it’s worth the 10 extra entries to hope that you’ll enter and then “forget” to tell others because you want to win too.

Hmmm, I was just thinking… I wish that someone would have a Colonix giveaway. I think my chances would be MUCH greater at winning that kind of prize because I’m probably the only one who would want to win something like that…

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Do I Have To Share?

I really don’t want to tell you this little tidbit of information because it will decrease my chances of winning… But I’m also striving to be less selfish, so this will make a great start.

So you wanna chance to win a cold hard gift card to Target? Then head on over to Blogged-In Network to see how you too could pay for your daughter’s new tennis shoes. And some new shorts for her ever-growing body. And a new swim trunk for your son. (So you see, I wasn’t completely self-centered. I’m pretend spending it on my kids. That has to count for something.)

If you win and I don’t, just remember that my kids may be going commando next year. You’re welcome.

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First, for the lovely polka dotted pink bag:

(The Girl does not come with the bag. I need her to stay here for slave labor and for future modeling gigs for the up and coming giveaways.)

Suzie G (who unfortunately doesn’t have a blog… yet), who actually answered the suntan/sunscreen question, was the lucky #124.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway.

Now, if you’re interested in another ongoing giveaway, you can find out more details about it on my Birthday Bites post.

As an update Ornery’s Wife of Thoughts from Miller’s Manor has graciously offered two of her homemade card sets from her Etsy shop as giveaway prizes. She is seriously talented and I can state from experience that you will be fighting with your family over who gets to give the cards. They’re that beautiful!

I sincerely hope that you’ll come to my birthday celebration because I need all the friends there that we can get. So go out into the hiways and byways and invite everyone you know to this shindig!

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Hey, did you know that my birthday is coming up in a week? Normally I wouldn’t beg for a gift, but seeing how it’s not actually for me, I think I’m allowed this little faux pas in birthday etiquette. I mean, you would generally WANT to get something for a friend’s birthday, right? And I’m your friend, right? So I’m just going to cut to the chase and tell you want I want most in the world. And it’s probably within your grasp to provide it.

What I want more than anything in the world for my birthday – which really isn’t until next Saturday, May 3rd, but hey at least you won’t have to worry about it arriving on time – is for you to make a donation of $10 for a mosquito net. But it’s not for me. It’s for others who really need them to stop the malaria epidemic. Want to know more about it? Watch the following to find out more.

Want it in print? Head to Bite Back to find out why these nets need to be bought… now. So that we can bite back at a senseless, stoppable disease.


I would love to have the donations to be in the hundreds or heck thousands! To encourage your outpouring of birthday love (but more importantly love to families in need), I’m holding a special giveaway for those who donate for those who give me this special present. There’s nothing like a giveaway to encourage this blogging force!

Leave a comment when you’ve bought one for my birthday. And if you made a donation already, yay for you, but it doesn’t count! You have to buy one with me in mind… because buying one for someone else and then giving it to me just doesn’t have the same special feel in a birthday present. (See? I’m nothing if not self-centered, but you knew that already, I think.)

So the giveaway will work as such: for every one hundred comments that state that you’ve bought my present (on blogger’s honor of course), I will give a prize to one randomly chosen commenter. The prizes are yet to be determined because once again I’ve had a brainstorm without having all the details. But they will be good prizes, I promise… not some piece of candy that I found squished in the side of the couch. I’ll post pictures as soon as I figure out what the prizes are.

Obviously you don’t have to be a blogger, but you will need to make sure that you leave a working email where I can reach you if you are one of the chosen ones. And to spread the birthday cheer, these giveaways will be open to the entire blogging world. No matter if you live in Idaho, Italy or Ireland, you give to Bite Back, you’re in the drawing!

If you could go one step further and blog about my birthday present and the giveaway, asking your readers to give me a birthday present and directing their “I bought your birthday present” type comments to this post, I’d really appreciate it. (I’m only doing that so that I’ll be able to keep track of the number of giveaways I’ll need to have.) Then ask them to blog about this birthday present thingamajig to their friends… and so on and so on. Get the word out people! It’s party time, and I want everyone to know that they’re invited! And really, I want a lot of presents… because I am greedy presents are part of my love language.

I’m not going to give dates for the drawings because as soon as each 100th comment mark is reached, I will have a drawing. So it might be multiple drawings in one day or it might be a drawing every few days. The number of drawings will be left up to you and your generosity.

Personally, I’m someone who loves to celebrate her birthday. I love knowing that I’m still alive and kicking. And I really like the cake and ice cream deal too. I’m looking 37 in the face and laughing myself into a new year.

I just hope that this year I will get best birthday presents that I never got.

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Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

It’s that time of year again – the time where you put all your hopes into the hands of others and pray that the Random Number Generator will be your best friend time and time again…

If this is the first time at Shalee’s Diner, then welcome! Coffee is on the house for you, and you’ve just got to try some of the strawberry pie… it’s that good. As the sign says, I’ll be serving the same slop as I always do. Now doesn’t that just make you feel special?

If you’re a regular, then welcome back. You’re seats have been awaiting your derriere and as usual, pour your own coffee. I’ll bring “your usual” when I get a moment. Oh, and I’m putting off the 1986 post until next Monday. I don’t think anyone except my Mom or Chris will be disappointed about that delay…

This time I’ve got a fun bag to give away and it just shouts “Spring!!!” And to model it, I once again enlisted the help of The Girl.

Notice the brightness of the bag and those cute, adorable dots?

Did you see how deep it goes?

Just think of all the goodies you could sneak into the pool this summer if only you had this amazing bag!

If you don’t need a new bag, can I interest you in a new hat?

Or tiara?

How about an apron?

Hey, you shouldn’t use the bag as The Girl is using it right now… Oooo, she’d better watch it! The Boy is getting bigger and stronger every day and one day, he’s gonna let her know it. I’m just saying… (Oh, I hope I’m not the one around when that happens. That should totally happen on Mr. Right’s watch.)

Alrighty little blogging buddies, if you would like to win this sweet carry-all, leave me a tip telling me what kind of suntan lotion you love to use.

And just to sweeten the prize: for every comment that the winner (yet to be determined by the handy dandy number generator) leaves on the Tuesday through Friday posts, up to one comment a day, I’ll add a mini prize to the bag. (For example: If you’re the winner of this giveaway and you leave comments on Wednesday’s post and Thursday’s post, then you get two addition prizes that will fit in the bag. Make sense? And don’t ask me what they are because I only just thought of this little brainstorm, and now I’ve got to figure out what those prizes might be. Sometimes I’m too smart for my own good…)

So the more you actually talk to me, the more you can win! It’s a win-win for everyone, especially me because I love chatting with y’all!

The drawing, open to ALL bloggers – no matter if you live in the tundra of Siberia or the tropics of South America or any place in between – will be left open until 12:00 CST Friday night (April 25th). I’ll draw the winner on Saturday, and please, for the love of trying to make things easier on poor old waitress, would you be kind enough to make sure that I can easily contact you? If you don’t have a blog, then please leave your email address so that I know where to leave the check tip.

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And The Winners Are…

The Giants!!!

Oh, how I love that Brady was still beat by a Manning…  That, my friends, is what I call poetic justice.

I also have another winner to announce for the Bloggy Giveaway.  

But first, let me tell you that I laughed over many of you comments.  I wouldn’t be able to limit myself to just three things to put in the bag either.  And for all of you wondering, yes – putting a bag over you head is a perfectly acceptable fashion statement… especially when you either have a truly bad hair day or a huge zit.  Or if you just don’t want the world to see you.  Any of the above will work.  
But if you’re trying to hide from your kids, it won’t work.  Trust me on this one…
And I give a special shout out to HolyMama!… she’s the only one who recognized the great about of restraint I had when I mentioned Mr. Right and whipped cream.  I was hard, but I didn’t want to scare anyone off on the first day.
Anyway, the winner of the fabulous bag is Rachie S.  at Two for One.  Congratulations, you mother of twins!  I can only assume that you will need all the help you can get…

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In case this is your first time at Shalee’s Diner, let me share a few things about it first.  
Hi.  My name is Shalee and I’ll be your server today.  As you can see from the profile, this place proudly serves “the same slop everyday.”  From book reviews to life with kids to the occasional insight to God/grace/forgiveness/faith (usually by means of some stupid thing that Shalee has done) to the joys of marriage to ways to get an IT person to laugh and then actually fix your problem, it all gets served with a smile.
And, of course, being a diner, there’s always pie. Because coffee and pie were just meant to be together.  Kind of like Mr. Right and me, but with whipped cream.  
Okay, okay… I know you’re sitting there saying, “Just get on with the giveaway already!  There’s other prizes to win out there with my name on it, so let’s just move along…”
My giveaway is from Bath and Body Works.  It’s a beautiful, fun tote that just screams “Spring!  Wherefor art thou, Spring?!  I am ready for someone to fill me with a book, a snack and all the other mommy junk that cannot be left behind so that we can sit in the sun and relish the rays!”
Let’s let the beautiful and talented The Girl model it for you.

See?  Isn’t she a beaut?  The bag’s not bad either.  

Ummm, I have her enrolled in Big Mama’s Fashion Fridays, but so far, the advice hasn’t took… Poor girl, she’s just like her mother…

(The Boy wanted to model it too, but Mr. Right said no.  I think he’s realizing that the picture could come back to haunt him some day… oh around high school.)
Inside is a zipped pocket for all the candy bars that you don’t want your kids to see.  On the other side are pockets – one perfect for a cell and the other one is perfect for your keys so you won’t have to dig around for days looking for them at the bottom of the tote.  They thought of everything…
So if you want the tote, please leave a comment telling me three things you’ll put in the tote.  I’ll leave the drawing open until 11:59 PM Saturday, February 2nd.  Please make sure that I have some way to reach you if you’re the winner – blog address, email, smoke signals… something that will let you know that the bag is yours.  If I can’t reach you easily, I’ll have the random number generator pick someone else, so please don’t let stop you from winning.  The winner will be announced on Sunday, February 3rd sometime between church and the Super Bowl – but not after.  I’ll be too busy watching the last game of the season.  (sniff)  But I have to say this now:  Go Giants!

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Here are the randomly generated integers for the I Love You More giveaway.

True Random Number Service
Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

11 19 14

Timestamp: 2007-12-09 20:46:09 UTC

Congrats to the winners: Stephanie, Needanap2 and I know you can hear me!  Please email your addresses to me so that I can have these sweet books on their way to you.

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Don’t forget about the GIVEAWAY that is going on until Saturday, December 8th.  You can read about it here.
I had a great little laugh over these.  Maybe you will too…

Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Challenged

  1. Schizophrenia – Do You Hear What I Hear, the Voices, the Voices?
  2. Amnesia – I Don’t Remember If I’ll Be Home for Christmas
  3. Narcissistic – Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
  4. Manic – Deck The Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets andStores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Treesand Fire Hydrants and………..
  5. Multiple Personality Disorder – We Three Queens Disoriented Are
  6. Paranoid – Santa Claus Is Coming to Get Us
  7. Borderline Personality Disorder – You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Shout, I’m Gonna Cry, and I’ll Not Tell You Why
  8. Full Personality Disorder – Thoughts of Roasting You On an Open Fire
  9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, JingleBells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, JingleBells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
  10. Agoraphobia – I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn’t Leave My House
  11. Senile Dementia – Walking In a Winter Wonderland Miles from MyHouse in My Slippers and Robe
  12. Oppositional Defiant Disorder – I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus SoI Burned Down the House
  13. Social Anxiety Disorder – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas While I Sit Here and Hyperventilate
  14. Attention Deficit Disorder – We Wish You……Hey Look!! It’s Snowing!!!

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And The Pie Plate Goes To…

All right, Interwebs…  It’s time for the results to my giveaway for that fabulous pie plate along with the top secret recipe for the Diner’s apple pie.  I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the giveaway and ask y’all to stop back in for a visit and a cup of coffee any time you’d like.  I’m open 24/7.  That’s dedication just for you.  Now doesn’t that make you feel special?

Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 1 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 186 — Unsorted

Job Status:
Set #1:

That means that Alaina from Reflective Ponderings is the winner. Congrats Alaina!  Send me your address, and I’ll get your prize right out to you… just in time for Thanksgiving.  (And remember to keep that recipe our little secret!)

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