
Archive for the ‘Meme’ Category

Thanks Sherry at Life With Sherry for picking me to do this meme.

Of course, I can’t be just like everyone else, so I had to put my little spin on things. Originally, the meme was to tell 10 things about your self, but since I’ve done those a few time, I thought I’d do this one with a twist. If you’re tagged, then you can do whichever one suits your mood.

So hate is a really strong word. Let’s change it to dislike and move on, shall we?

And it could go without saying that there are more than 10 things that I don’t like about myself, especially if I’m running close to my “Give Me Chocolate And Back Away” time. Fortunately for you, I’m not near it, so I easily left it at 10.

  1. I’m pretty self-centered. I’ve shared with you that I struggle with thinking of others first. However, God, in all his infinite wisdom, gives me plenty of opportunities to work on this one.
  2. Sometimes, I’m dissatisfied and complain when I have no right to complain. Overall, my life is extremely blessed, and I need to remember that fact.
  3. I get angry to quickly. Too often I jump the gun about a situation without having all the facts. My poor kids… at least they get to hear an adult say “I’m sorry” a lot.
  4. I’m bossy. Sometimes it comes in handy; sometimes it’s plain old annoying.
  5. I cannot remember jokes! It’s so annoying to get into one and then have to backtrack because I forgot a major part and then forget the ending and wind up just tapering off at the end.
  6. I’m a terrible penpal. I started writing to Lori, aka Pezmama and now a former blogger, a couple of years ago. I kept it up for a while, but the last letter I sent to her was a Valentine’s Day card. Somehow that doesn’t equate to great letter writing in my book.
  7. I don’t always answer the phone. Most of the time I’ll let the answering machine get it. I mainly do it to prove that the phone doesn’t have power over me. This tidbit drives Mr. Right nuts.
  8. I’m so forgetful. Sometimes I start something and
  9. I get envious of others too often. This attitude doesn’t always work well with trying to have a God-like life. I’m sure that God’s envious of nothing.
  10. I don’t have the world’s greatest willpower. For example, I need to exercise. I know that I need to exercise. I actually want to exercise. But if it’s cold outside, I’ll read a book instead. Or take this one, I’m full from dinner and quite satisfied. But I see a brownie and suddenly, I want that brownie. I need that brownie. I have the brownie, but then I regret my decision withing minutes because now I’m uncomfortably stuffed. The sad thing is that I knew I would feel that way if I ate the brownie, and I ate it anyway.

Okay now I tag Pam, Susanne, Chilihead, Sister Honey Bunch, Beck (this one should be easy for you, right?) and My Best Investments. And feel free to change the meme back to things you love about yourself if you’re not as negative about yourself as I am.

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I found this meme at Pam’s place, Without Fear. I couldn’t help myself.

  • Where is your cell phone? In my purse… along with my new matching Bluetooth which I still haven’t gotten used to yet.
  • Your significant other? Well, assuming you mean Mr. Right, he’s upstairs in the shower. Hey! That gives me an idea. I’ll be back in a bit…
  • Your hair? Well, some of it I’m sure is down the drain now… But the rest is still on top of my head.
  • Your mother? In Florida with my Dad
  • Your father? In Florida with my Mom
  • Your favorite thing? My favorite thing is still upstairs getting ready for work. (My two other favorite things are at school.)
  • Your dream last night? Gone. I didn’t have any Chocolate Fudge ice cream to bring out the good stuff.
  • Your favorite drink? My favorite drink is separated in different parts of the kitchen, waiting to be mixed for a wonderfully fruity and refreshing cocktail. That gives me another idea! But I’ll wait until tonight to follow through on that one.
  • Your dream/goal? To go on a long, romantic trip with Mr. Right to Italy
  • The room you’re in? Kitchen, but I’d rather be in the bathroom (see above)
  • Your fears? They’re locked in the remotest part of my heart, wanting to come out, but I’ve prayed to God that he’ll keep them imprisoned for the rest of my life. Those suckers are gonna be there a looooong time.
  • Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happily living with Mr. Right, while the The Girl is getting ready to go to her graduation and The Boy is preparing to hit the high school scene. Good night… All that in six years?! Oh, that’s too soon.
  • Where were you last night? Home with the family, taking a walk with the family, then reading a book – but not with the family. We did however all pile onto the bed and read our own books. So I lied. I did read with the family.
  • What you’re not? Tall or perfect or as funny as I think I am or as thin as you think I am
  • Muffins? No, I’m not a muffin either. But if I were, I’d be a blueberry or strawberry one.
  • One of your wish list items? I’ve already told you that one… More nets please!
  • Where you grew up? Millington, Tennessee – but technically speaking, I’m still growing up even if it means that I won’t get an inch taller in height.
  • The last thing you did? Took a drink of yummy coffee (Thanks Avon for our wonderful gift!)
  • What are you wearing? A tank and black exercise pants, which have been poorly named in my case…
  • Your TV? OFF, and that suits me just fine.
  • Your pets? At my mother-in-awe’s house. We miss that cat.
  • Your computer? I’d love to say iBook, but wouldn’t you know it? We got one that crashed (gasp!), and we have to have it fixed. Now I’m on the PC in the kitchen.
  • Your life? Well-lived and well-loved
  • Your mood? I’m feeling pretty happy and content right now.
  • Missing someone? Yes! Would you all come for visits sometime? I could use some company to share this good mood. You bring the wine. Mr. Right and Iwill make the pie.
  • Your car? No, I’m not missing my car, although I love my sweet Accord.
  • Something you’re not wearing? Well, a bra for starters… (#19)
  • Favorite store? TJ Maxx, Walmart, Target, Aldi, Junior League store – basically anywhere I can get a great deal at an incredibly low price
  • Your summer? Will be spent mostly at home with Mr. Right, thanks the ever-rising gas prices. The kids will be at Grandma’s again and hopefully, we’ll be packing up and moving into a new home before the kids return. Hey, one can always hope!
  • Like someone? Well, I always pictured myself like Sandra Bullock or Katharine Hepburn, at least in their funnier roles. Knowing y’all, you’re thinking I’m more like Grover or Oscar the Grouch
  • Your favorite color? Blue. No, red! Aaaaahhhh… (Name that movie.)
  • When is the last time you laughed? This morning. The Boy tried on all his shorts and he can be pretty entertaining when you get him one on one.
  • Last time you cried? Hmmm… I’ll say Sunday because sometimes those sermons hit right were I need to be hit.
  • Who will repost this? Good question. You tell me!

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Finding the I in iPod

I saw this iPod meme at Clare’s Dad.

I love how Darren describes this particular meme. “In this one, you use your iPod to generate random answers to questions. It’s kind of like Mad Libs meets the Magic 8 Ball.”  That’s just brilliant.  Not to mention that he got Clare to watch a bit of Star Wars by telling her that it had a princess in it.  That man is a parenting genius is what I’m thinking…

Here are the instructions:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

(I answered these while sitting next to Mr. Right.  He will completely testify to the accuracy of the answers.  Mr. Right?

Mr. Right: She wasn’t cheating.
Me: Thanks, Babycakes!)

I’m including my thoughts by some of the answers because to be honest, this meme had me giggling like crazy all the way through it.)
Q: What does next year have in store for you?
A: Take On Me by a-ha (If I have enough time and energy, you got it.)

Q: What does your love life look like next year?
A: Stranger To Myself by Jude Cole (Oh how true that will be!)

Q: What do you say when life gets hard?
A: I’ll Dream Of You Again by Harry Connick, Jr. 

Q: Song that reminds you of good times?
A: Vibeology by Paula Abdul (Awkward, yet fitting)

Q: What do you think when you get up in the morning?
A: Who Am I by Casting Crown (Seriously, this one had me giggling enough that Mr. Right had to ask what it was that was making me laugh.)

Q: What song will you dance to at your wedding?
A: Painter Song by Norah Jones (The funny thing is that Mr. Right was an art professor when I married him.  He loved to draw, sculpt and – you got it – paint. Appropriate, no?

Q: Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
A: Mony Mony by Billy Idol (First dance more likely…)

Q: Your favorite saying?
A: All I Need by Jack Wagner (is a pay raise, is a nap, is a day to stay home and read, is a little more faith, is to lose a couple of pounds, is a date with Mr. Right – the list could go on and on… I really need to learn to be content.)

Q: Favorite place?
A: Mystify by INXS

Q: Most Missed Memory?
A: Water Music: Allegro-Andante-Da capo- Allegro No. 3 by George Frideric Handel (Strangely enough, I love this music.  I truly wish I could have been around when it was presented for the first time.)

Q: What song describes your best friend?
A: If It Don’t Take Two by Shania Twain (HA!  It thought it fit.)

Q: What song describes your ex?
A: Here Comes the Big Parade by Harry Connick, Jr.

Q: Where would you go on a first date?
A: Let’s Just Kiss by Harry Connick, Jr. (If that’s not appropriate for my first date with Mr. Right, then I don’t know what was!)

Q: Drug of choice?
A: The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and The News (Amen.)

Q: What song describes yourself?
A: How Great Thou Art by Hugh Robertson (I actually cried a bit from all the laughter that ensued from this answer.  I think it’s a great answer, if I do say so myself.  Of course, You’re So Vain by Carly Simon probably would have fit just as well.)

Q: What is the thing you like doing most?
A: Any Man of Mine by Shania Twain (reread this answer very slowly…  It made me hoot and holler a bit more than the previously Q & A…  Golly is that ever the most perfect answer!)

Q: The song that best describes the president?
A: Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman 

Q: Where will you be in 10 years?
A: King of Wishful Thinking by Go West (Much like I am now… I can’t see that changing in the next 10 years.)

Q: Your love life right now?
A: Better Days by Faith Hill (Mr. Right looked at that song and said, “How sad!”  I looked at it and said, “Well, I read it as saying that you make them better days with you in them.”  He liked the answer then.)

Q: What is your state of mind like at the moment?
A: Blue In Green by Miles Davis (I can’t tell you how pleased I am with that abstract answer of a song.)

Q: How will you die?
A: Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of by U2 (Won’t we all be. Won’t we all.)

I have to tell you, this meme was probably the one with which I’ve had the most fun.  I tag you all!  Just let me know if you play along so that I can laugh at the way your iPod has you pegged too.

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Four (Or So) Things

Not long ago, Sister Honey Bunch tagged me for the memes of 4.  I kept thinking that it sounded really familiar, so when I went back to my archives, I found this post.  Rather than reinvent the wheel, I’m going to just repost it* here.  It was ever so interesting to go back and read not only the post, but the comments as well.  Fun stuff… well to me anyway.

* with a few changes/additions/updates


Originally published March 10, 2006

I’ve been tagged. So here goes… if you feel comfortable doing so, post a comment giving answers about you because we all enjoy learning something about our buds!

Four jobs you’ve had in your life

  1. Development Officer at a college
  2. Barnes and Noble – made it to manager, then quit because they threw me in with no training and expected me to work like a dog for nothing and still make plan… best thing I ever did was quit – although I still miss being around and reading all those books!
  3. Executive Assistant (if I don’t get fired for yesterday’s posting…)
  4. Mom – longest held job to date (lousy pay, but the benefits are to die for!)

Four movies that you would watch over and over

  1. Lord of the Rings trilogy
  2. Return to Me
  3. A & E’s Pride and Prejudice (Six magnificent hours of a beautiful Jane Austen book… I usually watch it in 2 hour intervals over 3 days. I would go all six if everyone would leave me alone, but it’s usually “Momma, Momma Momma” this or “Honey” that.)
  4. Philadelphia Story, When Harry Met Sally, While You Were Sleeping, Always, Better Off Dead, Sense and Sensibilities, The Matrix and anything by M Night (Okay, that is more than 4, but hey, it’s my blog – I can bend the rules if I want to!)

Four places you’ve lived

  1. Memphis, TN
  2. Bremerton, WA
  3. York, NE
  4. Overland Park, KS

Four TV shows that you love to watch (or used to watch)

  1. Moonlighting
  2. Law & Order (oldies)
  3. Cosby Show
  4. Greatest American Hero
  5. You Can’t Do That On Television – Nickelodeon (I loved it when they got slimed for saying “I don’t know”)
  6. Max Headroom
  7. The Tomorrow People – cool when I was a kid!
  8. Football in the fall, winter!

(Can you tell that I don’t watch much of anything in the present?)

Four places you’ve been on vacation

  1. Jamaica (honeymoon ~ Woo hoo!)
  2. Beaver Creek, CO
  3. Memphis, TN
  4. Florida
  5. Hawaii
  6. Smokey Mountains

Four websites you visit daily

  1. My blog… Hey, I still like seeing my name in lights (I’m sooo vain!! Besides, many of my links are there.)
  2. www.google.com
  3. www.woot.com (Too funny to see what will be for sell next! They sell one thing all day. When it is sold out, it is sold out. They post something else at 12 AM CST the next night… unless of course there is a woot off! Then it’s catch as catch can mayhem… I just want one of there bag o’ crap… you’ll have to visit to see why.)
  4. Antique Mommy , f-stop steve (great photoblog), Rocks in my Dryer… Just go down the list on the side of my blog. I need to update it because there are others that I visit that are saved in my favorites. 
(Yes to all the links above – well, except f-stop… f-stop WHERE ARE YOU?, but I would add Bloglines to my list too.  There are too bloggers to list that I visit daily, even if I can’t comment on Blogger blogs – STUPID WORK FILTER!)

Four of your favorite foods

  1. Chinese
  2. Italian
  3. My homemade mac ‘n cheese
  4. (Most) Anything that someone else is buying!

Four places you would rather be right now

  1. home reading a book
  2. beach
  3. Italy – for a first time visit
  4. having a cuppa with Antique Mommy – (She probably thinks I’m deranged, but I could see just having such a great time in her company.) (I was totally right.  She is fabulous company that I hope to enjoy many times in the years to come.)

Five people I’m tagging

  1. Joyful Days
  2. Jean
  3. Maggie
  4. Ornery’s Wife
  5. Laura

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Susanne from Living to Tell the Story has tagged me for a kitchen meme. I’m to name eight random things from my kitchen/cooking.  I’ll do it, but you all know how I am with staying in the lines…

  1. Below is my best cooking tool ever!  It slices, dices and even kisses the cook!

    And I’m afraid I got the only one, so that just reeks for the rest of you… too bad!  Seriously, finding someone who likes to cook will be your best asset in the kitchen, plus you can spend more time together in your hectic schedules.

  2. My sweet little Braun coffee maker… oh how I love thee! (especially around 6 AM or when we’re serving up a fresh from the oven apple pie or brownies)
  3. Speaking of oven/stove, I love it.  I can’t cook without it.  Well, I could, but I’m not into cooking over a fire or rubbing sticks together to start the whole production…  How else would I make my mind-numbing, smile-enducing apple pies?
  4. I must say that I absolutely adore living in a time and place when I can have a refrigerator.   It keeps my cream for my coffee cold and my ice cream bars frozen.
  5. Frozen… oh yes – my upright freezer, which is not in my kitchen, but rather just outside the door to my garage, is a blessing beyond measure.  Without it, I could not take advantage of meat, cheese and vegetables sales.  (And blessed we are!  Right now it’s packed to the gills with food just waiting to be made.)
  6. Also not in my kitchen but on the back porch is the grill.  When the weather is nice, you will often find our grill in use.  Steaks, chicken, pork, shishkabobs, ribs, vegetables – we grill them all.
  7. My favorite spice by far is garlic.  I use it in as many recipes as possible.  Breath mint anyone?
  8. I’ve fallen in love with the Cascade 2-in-1 action pacs.  Doing dishes has never been so easy… (And I fill the rinse dispenser with vinegar – no smell and no spots!)
  9. You really need a great (not good, GREAT) set of knives in your kitchen.  Save up and purchase ones that will last your lifetime.  After a good amount of searching, reviewing and researching, we settled on JA Henckels, which we’ve loved since day one.
  10. I love my Calphalon pans.  Did you know that they come with a lifetime guarantee?  I
    received my set as a graduation from college present from Mr. Right, which I’m sorry to say was quite a while ago.  Sigh.  It seems like just yesterday that I was in high school… but I digress.  At around the 10th year of ownership, I discovered that I could send them back for replacements.  I did and now I have an entirely new set of pans which are actually better than the ones I bought originally because they sent me the ones with the latest updates.  I love a great deal!
  11. I like to cook all sorts of things.  Entrees, baking, sides… all these things appeal to me.  One of my favorite things to do now is to ask the kids to help me with these tasks.  I’m hoping to pass on the love of cooking/baking to both of my kids – my daughter so that she can later enjoy taking care of her future family and my son because I don’t want to send him out of our house thinking that it is only something girls do well.  With Mr. Right as a role model, I have a feeling that it is a scenario that will never happen.
  12. Lastly, I like to play in the kitchen.  Recipes are great and all, but sometimes I like to throw caution to the wind and make stuff up.  And we’ve discovered some fantastic new recipes that the entire family asks to have again and again.  I’ll even share with you my most recent foray into the realm of the unknown (which the family promptly deemed “a winner!”
Apple Pork Roast  
(Realize that I’m guessing on some of the measurements since my method of cooking that was “a little of this, a bit of that”…
3 lbs. pork loin roast (or any other, but the leanness added to the texture and flavor)
2 apples, peeled, seeded and quartered
1 1/2 c apple juice
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cloves
Put roast and apples in slow cooker.  Mix remaining ingredients and add to slow cooker.  Cook on low all day.  (If you’re home while it’s cooking, turn roast a couple of times to keep all the meat flavorful and moist.)  Slice or shred meet and serve with stewed apples.  (A gravy can be made from the juice if desired.  Use cornstarch and water to thicken juices and ladle over meat.)
Now I tag Big Mama, Barb, Stacey, Jeana and Ashley.  Go to it girls!

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Fair to Middlin’

Karla at Ainsley’s Mom tagged me for this meme, oh, about forever ago.  But I’m finally on it.

Here are the rules:
  1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
  2. Players – You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name.  If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
  3. At the end of your post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
Now the problem with being tagged by Karla is that she and I share the same middle name.  I know I’m repeating a couple of her words, but in my own way, of course.
M – The toughest, yet best, job I’ve ever held (and continue to hold willingly) is MOM.  I’d love to see a Survivor show about all the contestants being a Mom 24/7 to 4 kids under the age of 5, the youngest two being one-year-old twins still in diapers.  Those contestants would be begging to be let go in the first week.  Wimps.
I – I’m often the world’s biggest IDIOT.  I know it.  You know it.  I might as well accept it.
C – CHOCOLATE and I have an intimate relationship.  We really get each other.
H – I have humor and I’m not afraid to use it.  That doesn’t mean that y’all aren’t afraid that I might use it though.
E – Mid-to-late 80’s music totally rocks!!!  My poor iPod… it sounds like an 80’s dance club, and I’ve got the moves to prove it.
L – I LOVE my man with all my heart.  He makes my head swoon, my pulse race and my soul smile.
L – I make time to read all sorts of LITERATURE.  Books are my friends, and the best kind too – I can hold onto them for as long as I like.
E – I ENJOY life and all the beautiful blessings that God lavishes on me.  Though I’ve done nothing to earn them, I’m extremely grateful for each and every one of them.
Now I’m tagging one person for each letter of my middle name.  That’s 8!  (And here is where I wish my parents had chosen something simple, like Anne – with an E, of course.)
If you’ve already done this meme, feel free to tell me I’m a dork for not remembering.  I’m most likely a dork anyway; it’s just good to have a reason for it this time…
Addie (Is she still breathing?)

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Marriage Meme

In honor of our 15th anniversary, I give you our Marriage Meme. However, you can also get many more details in this post whereby I give you all the gory long lovely details…

  1. Where/How did you meet? Harding University in 1990. Mr. Right saw me across the student center and just had to know all about me.
  2. How long have you known each other? almost 17 years
  3. How long after you met did you start dating? Perhaps you should refer to this post… But I’ll answer it by saying it took too long.
  4. How long did you date before you were engaged? A different post sure would explain a lot, but the official asking happened in roughly 10 months from our first date.
  5. How long was your engagement? 5 months (Would have been 4 if one of my bridesmaids had volunteered eariler that she couldn’t make it. We set our date to include her in the first place. Hmph.)
  6. How long have you been married? 15 years
  7. What is your anniversary? Today, July 24
  8. How many people came to your wedding reception? 150
  9. What kind of cake did you serve? Chocolate cake with white chocolate icing
  10. Where was your wedding? Memphis, TN
  11. What did you serve for your meal? We had a homecooked food line: lumpia (a family favorite), fruit, cheeses and a bunch of other stuff that I really can’t remember…
  12. How many people were in your wedding party? 4 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen and 2 ushers
  13. Are you still friends with them all? Yes, even though I don’t see most of them.
  14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? No, but I did. I couldn’t make it though my vows as it hit me as to how momentous and special the day and words were.
  15. Most special moment of your wedding day? My most special moment was running out of the church after the reception while evading the rice pelting, knowing that I belonged to Mr. Right and that my life was truly just beginning.
  16. Any funny moments? Lots! The funniest that I remember was when I was walking down the aisle. For some really strange reason, I felt the need to verbally welcome people who were standing there as I was walking to the front. They caught me on tape saying, “Oh I’m so glad you could come.” or waving and head-nodding to several of our friends. It wasn’t until I was at the front that the thought occurred to me that my husband-to-be was waiting for me… I can’t even imagine what Mr. Right was thinking of me as I’m not looking at the most important person to me that day. I’m such a dork.
  17. Any big disasters? The gentleman who filmed our wedding accidently turned the camera off just as we were saying our vows. We didn’t get them for posterity, but they still ring true in my head.
  18. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Jamaica, which I highly recommend to everyone, especially if you go to a Sandals’ resort.
  19. How long were you gone? One blessed (sex-filled) week. Woo hoo!
  20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? I would have had a dance at my reception. I was too intimidated to rock the Church of Christ boat.
  21. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Whichever side is closer to the bathroom…
  22. What size is your bed? King, which is really funny considering the fact that Mr. Right and I are slim people. But I want my space when I sleep. I only really like to cuddle when I’m awake.
  23. Greatest strength as a couple? We’re different in so many ways. We use those differences to round each other out.
  24. Greatest challenge as a couple? We’re different in so many ways. The old saying of “Opposites attract.” is never really finished… It’s “Opposites attract… then attack.” There are still times when we have to remind ourselves not to attack each other.
  25. Who literally pays the bills? Shalee
  26. What is your song? I don’t know that we really have just one, but I’m going to say Masterpiece by Atlantic Starr. When Mr. Right proposed, being the Art Professor that he was, he made this statement: “I know real beauty. I’ve seen so many works of art that take my breath away. But Shalee, you’re my masterpiece. God made you perfectly, and you’re my perfect piece of art.” A couple of months later is when Masterpiece debuted, and it was as if God took Mr. Right’s words and set them to music.
  27. What did you dance your first dance to? Our first dance as man and wife was in Jamaica. All I know is that my shy, don’t-look-at-me Mr. Right took my hand and led me to an empty dance floor and danced with me.
  28. Describe your wedding dress: I’ll try to scan it in so that you can see it sometime… It was off the shoulder, lots of lace and sequins and it had a looooong train. I loved it.
  29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? I carried white sweetheart roses in an open bouquet. The attendants had white roses tied with a ribbon.
  30. Are your wedding bands engraved? They weren’t at the time, but since then, on our 10th anniversary, I stole Mr. Right’s band, under the guise of getting it cleaned, and engraved “Love Forevermore”.
  31. How old were you when you got married? He was 26 and I was 21.

Happy Anniversary, honey. I know that you are my gift from God, my masterpiece to enjoy each day. I love you more than I can possibly explain and would gladly, readily, willingly do it all over again.

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Today is the first day of our 15th Anniversary Vacation (and my Tra La Bloggity Tour)! Woo hoo! We’re off to Nashville today and then Gatlinburg tomorrow.

However I do have a bit of sad news. Peach had a sudden change of plans and will not be able to meet with me. I’m sad about it, yet I know that God has a reason for her staying home. Peach, this doesn’t mean that you’ve heard the last of me… (And I’m still hopeful for Boomama. Keep praying about her being able to visit with me and about her stuffed ear. I SAID YOUR STUFFED EAR, BOOMAMA, NOT YOUR TOUGH REAR.)

So I’m leaving you with yet another long overdue meme for today, but hopefully I’ll get the old camera out for tomorrow.

Blessings to you all!


I was tagged by Morning Glory from Seeds from My Garden to do the Meme of Five. So here I go…

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.


I Still See A Spark In You

walking through doors

Seeds from My Garden

Shalee’s Diner

Next select five people to tag: Susanne, Deena, My Best Investment, Jeana and Addie (just to see if she’s still reading)

Now for the hard part — the questions:

  • What were you doing 10 years ago? I was the wife of a Mr. Right, the then Art Professor, and the mother of a sweet one year old daughter who worked in the post office at a small Christian college.
  • What were you doing 1 year ago? I’m sure I was working, blogging and missing my kids. Here’s the post from that day.

Five snacks you enjoy:

  • Chocolate fudge ice cream from Baskin & Robbins
  • Funnel cakes
  • Thin Mints
  • Chips and guacamole
  • pastries from our artisan french bakery (particulary the pain au chocolat)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics to:

  • Crazy For You by Madonna
  • I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers
  • Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
  • We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel
  • Love Shack by the B-52s (Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiin roof — rusted!)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

  • Pay off our and our families debts
  • Give a lot of it to church missions/charities that we like
  • Travel
  • Quit my job
  • Get laser hair removal (yes, I’m that vain/lazy/ready to quit with the nicks)

Five bad habits:

  • Finishing others’ sentences (Seriously, I’m trying to stop!)
  • Not going to bed on time
  • Not brushing my teeth before bed (I know, I know… I really need to do it.)
  • Giving things to God and then taking them back
  • Eating when I’m not hungry

Five things you like doing:

  • Traveling (especially with Mr. Right)
  • Cooking (especially with Mr. Right)
  • Reading (with or without Mr. Right)
  • Trying new drinks of the alcoholic persuation (especially with Mr. Right)
  • Eating (especially with Mr. Right)

Five things you would never wear again:

  • Skinny jeans
  • Waterproof mascara
  • Maternity clothes
  • Bell bottoms
  • My wedding dress

Five favorite toys:

  • A huge library
  • iPod
  • Computer (for blogging)
  • The great outdoors
  • Mr. Right (You can’t be surprised, you know…)

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GiBee at Kisses of Sunshine seems to think that I am the world’s biggest procrastinator. When she tagged me for the Five Things I Dig About Jesus meme, she totally singled me out like this:

Shalee (don’t put this one off, girl!!!)”

And to further emphasize her point, she sent me a personal email that included the following: “SHALEE — DO NOT PUT THIS ONE OFF!!!”

The caps did it. I totally didn’t think she meant it until she “yelled” at me. Plus the fact that I think God is using her to get my attention about focusing on him…

So in order to satisfy GiBee (and God), I’m doing the meme.

Here are the “rules”:

  • Those tagged will share 5 things they “love” (dig) about Jesus.
  • Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
  • Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their names so that others can read them.

Here are 5 things I love (dig) about Jesus:

  1. Jesus wants a huge extended family. He gave his life so willingly for the idea and the opportunity for us to be permanently connected to the one and only living God, the Creator, the Great I AM, all so that we can call him our brother.
  2. Jesus’ sacrifice is everlasting and the grace of forgiveness cannot be altered. I love knowing that though I still sin, there is nothing I can do which can separate me from the love of God.
    Romans 8:31-39
    What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died–more than that, who was raised to life–is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  3. When Jesus walked the earth in human form, he had no prejudices to prevent him from befriending/loving/touching/healing anyone. He made himself available to everyone no matter the race, sex, “cleanliness”, education or financial status. He just saw people needing God. This point gives me hope that if I am to become more Christ-like, then I too can become un-prejudiced and see people as individuals needing love.
  4. Jesus knew that in order to touch people’s souls, he had to touch their lives. Think about all the physical needs that Jesus met in order to talk with people: He fed them, he healed them, he ate with them, he talked with them in a crowd and in a one-on-one setting. He basically made himself available to everyone. In satisfying their physical needs, he created opportunities where others could listen to the needs of their souls. I still say that this example is such a beautiful ministry in how to show God’s love to others and open the hearts of others to hear the Good News. (But he had to be there and present in order to make those teachable moments happen, which means that I have to be present and available too.)
  5. The more I read the gospels, the more I am convinced that Jesus had a mighty good sense of humor and irony. How else can you explain why he hung out with the Twelve Stooges?
  • I could imagine the old eye pokes that James and John give each other as they approach Jesus about whether or not they can sit on the right and left side of his glory. (Mark 10:37)
  • I can see Peter doing a nice repetitive two-handed fast face pull on himself when after hearing God’s voice telling him to LISTEN to Jesus after Peter recommends that three alters be built for Elijah, Moses and Jesus after the transfiguration. (Matt 17:5)
  • I can imagine all the “Wise Guy, eh!” comments after the disciples disputed over which of them was considered the greatest. (Luke 22:27) I can visualize the head slaps that Peter gives himself when the cock crowed the third time. (John 18:27)
  • I can see Judas’ “run into the wall” moment when he realized that in his greed, he condemned Jesus to death over a paltry amount of money. (Matt 27:3-5)
  • I can only imagine the eye-rolling and head shaking Jesus did when he explained to them time (Matt 16:21) and time (Matt 17:22-23) and time (Matt 20:17-19) and time (Matt 26:36-46) again that he was the Saviour. (There are many other records of their not understanding; those are but a few.) That man HAD to have had a sense of humor is all I can say… (And a heart of unending compassion and patience which fills me with hope that even I can be forgiven and fully loved though time and time I again I don’t understand his words or heed his call.)

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Food For Thought

Well it’s summer and the eating is good! A little too good I think because both Chili and My Best Investments can see that my eating skills are being put to good use since they both tagged me with the Dining Out Meme. And unfortunately, I have the tummy to prove it…

Rules schmules:

Link to name of person(s) who tagged you.
Include state and country you live in.
List top 5 favorite local restaurants.
Tag 5 other people and let them know they’ve been tagged.

Where I live: State of Confusion, USA or Kansas, if you want to get picky.

Top Five Local Restaurants that I enjoy:

  1. Fortune Wok – This is probably one of the best Chinese restaurants I’ve ever tried. They make killer Hot and Sour Soup, their crab rangoons are creamy and crispy and they have several familiar and signature dishes that are making my mouth water when I think about them. One of our favorites is the Wok Roasted Chicken – a unique dish composed of lightly rice-flour breaded pieces of chicken in a spicy dark sauce along with dried red chilies and peanuts. It comes with barely steamed broccoli which helps to offset the tingle of heat in the dish. Yummy!
  2. BD Mongolian Grill – I love this place because you run through a huge bar full of all sorts of ingredients – about 8 meats such as steak, chicken, scallops, lamb, shrimp, pork, tofu and around 20 different vegetables of your choice. You pile whatever you want into a bowl, add your spices and oils and then take them over to a humongous skillet where 5 people rotate around it to cook, turn, break apart and finish your masterpiece. They scoop it off onto a plate when it’s done and hand it back to you. By the time you’ve made it back to your table, you have tortilla and rice waiting for you – whichever compliments your meal. It’s fun and entertaining to watch them make your meal, and you can go through again if you’re still hungry. Me? I’ve only ever been able to make it through once, but the way I’m going…
  3. Fiorelli’s Jack Stack BBQ – honestly, this place is on there only because they make the best baked beans known to man. And I’m from Memphis, you know that has to be a compliment and a half. I’ve been known to go by and order the beans just for lunch. Yep. They’re that good. (Oh, and their baby back ribs aren’t half bad either.
  4. O’Neill’s Irish Bar and Pub – This place is a nod back to the old days. The place itself has a pleasant charm. Old men sit at the bar, enjoying retirement, yet talking business from yesteryear. The dark walls and raised booths lend a hand to privacy, but you aren’t ignored when there. And Oh. My. Lands. This restaurant makes the best salad this side of heaven. Lettuce, red peppers, avocados, pecans, red onions, tomatoes, tortilla strips, grilled chicken – all served with a tangy honey citrus vinaigrette. It’s sooo good that when I get it for the Executives who come through the office, they admit that they had to keep themselves from licking the plate clean. It’s that good. And it’s just a stinkin’ salad! Imagine what they can do with real food…
  5. J. Alexander’s – They make the most delicious steak that is topped with a scoop of slighly breaded and fried blue cheese. The meat melts in your mouth and the bits of cheese that you add gives it that little something-something that makes you want to go back to try it again and again. And their baked potatoes are as big as your head! (I just went there Monday on a Business dinner. Oh divine, Divine, DEVINE! And the wine was really good too. It helps that I was there with a couple of fantastic people who made the entire night enjoyable too.
  6. What? Did you really think I would stop at 5? Foolish you… Cold Stone Creamery – Sweet cream ice cream with strawberries smushed into it, all in a waffle cone. Nough said.

Okay, I tag Joyful Days, Bren J, Daring Young Mom, Stacey and Willson (because he’s a chef and he knows food!)

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