
Let Him Eat Cake

Last night, I finally had a chance to meet with Jules again. It’s been about 9 months since we’ve really chatted. I joked that I could have had a baby since we’d last met.

Actually, I don’t think it was all that funny, now that I think about it.

Anyway, Jules invited her good friend Billie to dine with us because “if Billie finds out that we went to the Cheesecake Factory and she didn’t get to come, I’m gonna get it!” I’m so glad that Billie has such a sweet tooth. She was lovely and funny and immediately likable. We all chatted about blogging, books, movies, families, trips, faith and life in general. It was an unbelievably relaxing time that had truly fabulous food and even more wonderful coffee and desserts.

Jules ordered a German Chocolate Cheesecake. I ordered Linda’s Chocolate Cake and Billie ordered… nothing. That’s right. She didn’t eat dessert at the Cheesecake Factory because she’s going on a cruise at the end of the week and she was saving up “being bad” til then. Silly girl. You’re supposed to prepare for those weeks by being bad right before the trip!

I called Mr. Right on the way home and suggested that he might want some coffee ready for when I arrived. Just coffee for him. I was completely full of coffee and good food.

He was extremely delighted with the leftover. He took it and his coffee upstairs with me where we relaxed by working in some puzzle books: he did Sudoku and I did some in a variety puzzle magazine. It was nice.

When he was ready for bed, he set the cake (which was still in the leftover container) on the dresser and said, “I wonder if ants will find it.” I suggested that he take it downstairs and put it away properly. (For some reason, cake with ants in it isn’t quite as appealing.)

This morning as he was running out the door, he asked if I minded that he took my other leftovers. I replied, “Of course I don’t mind. Just don’t take the rest of the cake!”

Mr. R: What cake?

Me: The cake from last night.

Mr. R: There isn’t any cake from last night.


Mr. R: No. There was about a fourth left and I threw it away.

Almost 16 years of marriage and the boy hasn’t learned completely the way I tick yet. I bet you would have known to save that cake, even if it was only a sliver.

Sigh. I didn’t need it. But I would have liked to have it around anyway. Just in case.

It seems quite fitting that since I posted my books late, I should post the wrap-up post late as well. I’m nothing if not consistent.

Which pretty much makes me nothing, so let’s scratch that last thought, shall we?

As a recap, here are the books that I chose to read for the SRT 2008.
Cold Sassy Tree
Citizen Girl
The Companion
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt
Anna’s Book
Brave New World
Water For Elephants
All the PD James books
Cover Her Face
A Mind To Murder
Unnatural Causes
Shroud for a Nightingale
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman
The Black Tower
Death of an Expert Witness
The Skull Beneath the Skin
A Taste For Death
Devices and Desires
Original Sin
A Certain Justice
Death in Holy Orders
The Murder Room
The Lighthouse
The Bible (Isaiah and Jeremiah)

I added a couple that I thought were really wonderful, but one that I would really recommend is I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron. Skip pages 90-93 and I’d call it an almost perfect set of thoughts that are funny, precise and just shy of loony. I’d also recommend to you The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James. As far as The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen is concerned, I say get thee to the library and read it now if you’re an Austen fanatic like me. It was beautiful, funny and well-written in the vein of Austen. Even though you know the ending, you can’t help buy love this historical fiction.

Now on to the wrap up!

Did you finish all the books you had planned to read? If not, why?

I finished all the chosen reading except for my Bible reading. Why? Well because I’m a BIG HEATHEN. I have no idea why I didn’t get it done. I think that for some reason I’m having a little reading rebellion against God and I can’t explain it, other than I need to let God give me a little talk. I love it when I read it, but I’ve walked by my Bible time and time again and ignored it. This is not good and I’ll be doing something about it tonight…

Do you think the challenge helped you read more? Or maybe helped you read books you otherwise wouldn’t have?

The challenge certainly didn’t help me read more as I’m a reading fool. I did love the commitment needed, well except where I chose not be committed. Because I have issues as I’ve just said in the previous answer.

What was your favorite book you read this spring? Least favorite?

Favorite? Oh well, I don’t have one. I had several that I loved this time. I really recommend Water For Elephants, Cold Sassy Tree, Anna’s Book, I Feel Bad About My Neck and The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen. They were awesome and should be on your next reading list if you haven’t read them yet. I really liked The Companion, which is one of the few I didn’t review because I. AM. LAZY. But it was a clean mystery set back in the 1900’s. It had wonderful characterizations and great plot lines. It reminded me a bit of Jane Austen books, not so much because of the writing but because it was detailed without being explicit and the writer caused me to be engrossed in the characters without making me do backbends to get there.

And for the love of all that is holy, good and right in this world, don’t pick up Citizen Girl lest you want to waste time hoping that someone will come gouge your eyes out so that you will never make that kind of reading mistake again. Seriously. It was awful. I’m still trying to purge it from my mind.

Did you discover any new authors or genres that you now love?

Yes. You might too if you peruse some of my reviews. (No pressure, just a suggestion.)

Cold Sassy Tree
Anna’s Book
Water For Elephants
PD James (Adam Dalgliesh series)

What did you learn about your reading habits or interests?

I’ve learned that I’m not great at being disciplined. (See Bible reading commentary above.) I love trying new authors and hoping for great reading. I’m not one who gets thrown from the reading horse and then refused to get back up when it hurt to read a book. I just pick up another book and continue on my merry way. I also wish that PD James would write her next in the Adam Dalgliesh series, because man, I love that entire collection – even if it didn’t go the way I wanted it to go in the series. Lastly I’ve learned that I don’t sleep enough. I gotta cure that one, even if it means less reading.

Are you interested in another “Fall Into Reading” challenge this fall?

Heck, yeah! You bet I’ll be there, just as soon as I start scouring the other readers’ blogs for more reading material.

Thanks again Katrina for hosting the reading challenge. I can’t wait to discover new material for my summer and fall reading… What is your recommendation for my reading? Go on; don’t be shy. I mean nothing can be as bad as Citizen Girl (except Happiness Sold Separately and that’s saying something…)

Mr. Right and I, thanks to our friendly AMC neighbor, had the opportunity to see Get Smart tonight. Oh. My. Lands.

We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t stop at times. I was trying to keep my laughing to a minimum so that I wouldn’t miss the next lines, but dadgum! I just couldn’t do it. I kept laughing and giggling over past lines which was running into the new lines that were making me laugh some more.

It was so good that when I knew that I had to go to the bathroom and there was at least half an hour to go in the movie, I told myself to buck up and suffer because I didn’t want to miss a line.

All the characters were extremely well cast. Steve Carell nails Max and Anne Hathaway really kicks tush as Agent 99. The others fit perfectly in the ensemble too.

Note: There were a few crude parts to the movie, but they were few and far between. Overall, I was pretty pleased that the raunch was kept miniscule but the classic comedy was on full throttle.

At the end, most of the audience started laughing and cheering. I like movies that make you want to see it again immediately.

So. Can you tell that we really liked the movie?

If you need to see one, I’d suggest this movie over all the others out there right now. It was just stinkin’ funny.

Mr. Right and I, thanks to our friendly AMC neighbor, had the opportunity to see Get Smart tonight. Oh. My. Lands.

We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t stop at times. I was trying to keep my laughing to a minimum so that I wouldn’t miss the next lines, but dadgum! I just couldn’t do it. I kept laughing and giggling over past lines which was running into the new lines that were making me laugh some more.

It was so good that when I knew that I had to go to the bathroom and there was at least half an hour to go in the movie, I told myself to buck up and suffer because I didn’t want to miss a line.

All the characters were extremely well cast. Steve Carell nails Max and Anne Hathaway really kicks tush as Agent 99. The others fit perfectly in the ensemble too.

Note: There were a few crude parts to the movie, but they were few and far between. Overall, I was pretty pleased that the raunch was kept miniscule but the classic comedy was on full throttle.

At the end, most of the audience started laughing and cheering. I like movies that make you want to see it again immediately.

So. Can you tell that we really liked the movie?

If you need to see one, I’d suggest this movie over all the others out there right now. It was just stinkin’ funny.

Mr. Right and I, thanks to our friendly AMC neighbor, had the opportunity to see Get Smart tonight. Oh. My. Lands.

We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t stop at times. I was trying to keep my laughing to a minimum so that I wouldn’t miss the next lines, but dadgum! I just couldn’t do it. I kept laughing and giggling over past lines which was running into the new lines that were making me laugh some more.

It was so good that when I knew that I had to go to the bathroom and there was at least half an hour to go in the movie, I told myself to buck up and suffer because I didn’t want to miss a line.

All the characters were extremely well cast. Steve Carell nails Max and Anne Hathaway really kicks tush as Agent 99. The others fit perfectly in the ensemble too.

Note: There were a few crude parts to the movie, but they were few and far between. Overall, I was pretty pleased that the raunch was kept miniscule but the classic comedy was on full throttle.

At the end, most of the audience started laughing and cheering. I like movies that make you want to see it again immediately.

So. Can you tell that we really liked the movie?

If you need to see one, I’d suggest this movie over all the others out there right now. It was just stinkin’ funny.

Mr. Right and I, thanks to our friendly AMC neighbor, had the opportunity to see Get Smart tonight. Oh. My. Lands.

We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t stop at times. I was trying to keep my laughing to a minimum so that I wouldn’t miss the next lines, but dadgum! I just couldn’t do it. I kept laughing and giggling over past lines which was running into the new lines that were making me laugh some more.

It was so good that when I knew that I had to go to the bathroom and there was at least half an hour to go in the movie, I told myself to buck up and suffer because I didn’t want to miss a line.

All the characters were extremely well cast. Steve Carell nails Max and Anne Hathaway really kicks tush as Agent 99. The others fit perfectly in the ensemble too.

Note: There were a few crude parts to the movie, but they were few and far between. Overall, I was pretty pleased that the raunch was kept miniscule but the classic comedy was on full throttle.

At the end, most of the audience started laughing and cheering. I like movies that make you want to see it again immediately.

So. Can you tell that we really liked the movie?

If you need to see one, I’d suggest this movie over all the others out there right now. It was just stinkin’ funny.

And So It Goes

Last night I calmed an entire set of hoodlums who were really good kids in disguise, I picked up my Honey Baked Ham from a Baskin Robbins and I invited Bruce Willis over for Christmas, ending the conversation with him with “Don’t worry. My kids won’t pepper you with a million questions. They have no idea who you are because we don’t have tv. I can’t speak for the rest of the family though.” Oh, and Bruce said yes.

Either I’ve moved to Hollywood over the weekend, the weekend was more intense than I thought or else that Wok Roasted Chicken we had for dinner was making me way more creative in my dreams than normal.

I’m going for the last one. But man, it sure hit the spot after this weekend and all the “festivities” involved.

First, thank you again for your prayers. You have no idea what a comfort they were to the entire family. Not once was I sitting in the waiting room, writhing with fear or stress. It was very good.

So here’s the run-down since last we’ve talked.

  • As the family was tootling around town on Thursday night, we ran into several friends at the farmer’s market. One of them offered to keep The Girl that night and all day Friday so that she wouldn’t be bored out of her gourd at the hospital the next day. The Girl quickly thanked the family for letting her avoid that entire prospect.
  • We all went to bed Thursday night to sleep only to find out on Friday that none of us really did.
  • We finally got up around 4 AM to get ready for the hour drive to the hospital. The heart institute that Ron was going to use just “happens” to be one of the top three heart hospitals in the country. (That God is so good.)
  • We arrived at 6 AM for check-in. We found out later that Ron’s surgery wouldn’t be until 10:30(ish).
  • At least 3 nurses came in and asked many of the same questions over and over again.
  • We did lots and lots of waiting.
  • We discovered that there is such a thing as “hospital time”. If a nurse says, “In about 30 minutes…”, then you can bet your bottom dollar it will be at least an hour. (It was a nurse who told us about “hospital time.” She would know since she’s actually there all the time.)
  • While we were waiting for the procedure to start, we also discovered that Larry, one of our good friends, was also in this hospital. He was rushed in the day before with heart issues. Finding nothing, our friends thought the hospital was going to send Larry home after a night of observation. But no, by his wife Kareen returned, Larry had a pacemaker installed. Surprise! We hated to see Larry there, but we were thrilled to visit with them after not seeing them in so long. We’ve also promised to come up for a Ucher night. (I bet they whip our tails. It’s been soooo long since we’ve played.)
  • Ron’s surgery finally happened. It took three hours and he did have to have a quadrupal bypass. Avon, Ron’s wife, did remarkable well for all the situation. I could see her lips moving in prayer often and I know she was being bathed in prayers from friends around the world.
  • The hard part of the entire event came after the very successful surgery. Ron was having a hard time coming off the anesthesia. An hour recovery time turned into 8 hours with a heart that wouldn’t get the proper rhythm. Every time Avon walked back to Ron’s room, there were several doctors and nurses hovering over Ron. I think it was then that her nerves started to feel the effects of the day. But she was a trooper!
  • Some friends came by to visit Ron and Avon. That’s such a wonder comfort to not only know that others are praying, but that some would take the time to drive an hour to sit and hold hands for a few minutes or for hours. Kareen was in and out all day giving Avon hugs and telling us that Larry was demanding updates on his good friend Ron. (They were both elders at church. They’ve really gotten to know each other throughout the years.)
  • We convinced Avon to finally leave for a little bit for a spot of dinner. That poor woman needed some nourishment. IHOP never tasted so good.
  • Around 10:30 PM the doctors said that Ron was finally in a great position. His heart was doing much better and that he would get the much needed good night’s sleep. We finally felt comfortable enough to go home. We were all exhausted after that 20 hour day, longer if you factor in the fact that none of us really slept the night before.
  • Avon and Alan (Mr. Right’s brother) went to the hospital. We stayed home to get The Girl, to pick up The Boy from camp and to do a lot of things for Ron and Avon around the house: mow, clean bathrooms, vacuum, laundry, cook meals. We knew that Avon would have enough to do without needing to worry about that aspect of life when Ron came home.
  • Sunday we finished up some tasks that Avon needed done and then we visited with Ron and other family members for the afternoon. Then we headed home and had much needed Chinese food. There’s something about Chinese food that just says relax to us. So we did.

So that’s the run down. We’re back to the scheduled program around here. Last we talked to Avon, Ron had a GREAT night. He was sitting up in his chair and taking his prescribed walk. The kids are set to be Grandma’s and Grandpa’s helpers over the next couple of weeks, and we all feel really good about the way God handled everything. We had all decided that even if God had taken Ron home this weekend, He was still very good. And He is.

Since I’m way out of the loop, would y’all please tell me something that’s going on with y’all? I especially want to hear about She Speaks if you attended. I couldn’t be jealous during the weekend, so I’ll take the time to be jealous now when you tell me about the wonderful time you had with all the our blogging friends. :o)

Before and After 2008

I wrote the bottom portion of this post yesterday before we heard about my father-in-awe. I thought I had scheduled it to auto-post, but evidently, it’s still up on the computer at home. I guess that when you pack and leave in less than 20 minutes, you’re bound and determined to forget a thing or 20. At least I remembered underwear.

I’d like to take a moment to say that you all are a balm to my soul and a joy in my heart. Your sweet words… Sometimes I think God invented blogging just for a moments that make me stop and realize that his creations are good – you are very good.

We made it here after midnight last night, crashed for a few hours and then took The Boy to camp this morning for his first taste of summer camp. He was not looking forward to it at all! However, by the time we left, he was smiling and playing games with the other kids. I have a feeling he won’t be thrilled when we try to bring him home on Saturday. :o)

We take Ron to the hospital stinkin’ early in the morning – 4 AM early. All I can say is that I’m really happy that we’re morning people around here and I’m even happier that there’s a Starbucks on the way. That hour drive won’t seem nearly as long with caffeine in my veins.

Now back to the original post…

So Ms. Boomama has a wonderful idea of listing some things that we would like to get done this summer because she thinks that the whole world knowing our list would help us get things… well, done. It’s all about accountability.


Now, being an Executive Assistant and all, you’d think I’d have the whole “If it needs to be done, leave it with me and I’ll see that it’s done” mentality. If you’re talking Work, then yes – I’ll get it done. If you’re talking home repairs or to-do lists when there is sunshine to enjoy, books to be read and ice cream to consume, well – I just wouldn’t hold your breath.

In order to have you hold me accountable, I hereby declare my list to my Interwebby friends.

  • Get Mr. Right to bring me coffee in bed.
  • Set the coffee maker to brew before I get up.
  • Find a new hairstyle and then actually get it done.
  • Pack up my present home.
  • Move to new home.
  • Put everything in its place in new home.
  • Find a stainless steel trash can at a price that will not make me cry.
  • Buy new kitchen towels and washcloths.
  • Lunch with a few of blogging friends in town.
  • Find new lamps for family room (which has NO ceiling lights).
  • Go to a concert with Mr. Right.
  • Add several to-be-read books to my reading list because I’m tapping out.
  • Celebrate our 16th anniversary because it’s on July 24th.

Now these may not seem all that big of a deal to you, but to me, they’re things that I’ve needed to do for a while, especially that first one. I mean 4-6 are biggies, but the rest you might think “What’s the big deal?” But dadgumit! Some of them are tough around here.

I keep waking way before Mr. Right, so it’s been a no go on that one for a while.

And I can’t tell you how long I’ve tried to find a new style. And once I do, my hair gets all nicey-nicey on me again and I think, “I won’t cut it just yet, I’ll wait.” Then I loose picture of said cut and then my hair starts acting all wacky again. It’s vicious! But as a bonus, Mr. Right is enjoying my long hair for a while…

Oh, and that #6? That’s a doozy right there. Every time we’ve moved (and as all our friends can attest, it has been many), I’ve had the house in order within a week. Of course it helps that the kids have been at Grandma’s house when we’ve moved. But my goal is to have everything in order, including their rooms. We usually work our tails off until some friends convince us that it’s better to stop and eat and then we leave it for a while. We really like those kinds of friends.

And #9 will be done if I can convince Maggie, Jules and Addie that they have time for me in the next month. But sometimes it’s tough in the summertime. We’ll see… I’ve been asking Jules for over a year now and I have a feeling she’s either busy out the wazoo or she doesn’t like me. I sure hope it’s not the latter one!

#11 isn’t such a challenge unless you remember all the ones that deal with the house… then you’ll see that there’s not much to work with the concert funds.

Alright, that’s my list and I’m stickin’ to it… I hope.

I find that I’m wimbly-wambly sometimes. I want what I want, and it’s usually well after not getting a “Yes” from God that I find out the reasons he said “No.”

I thought I knew the soul reason for my not attending She Speaks: We’re buying a house and the money that would have been used for travel is being used for down payment.

But it seems that God has another reason too.

We’ve just found out that my father-in-awe will have an unexpected heart bypass at 6 AM on Friday morning. We’re packing now to make the run back up to their house so that we can be there for the surgery and to take care of the kids. I foresee a weekend of cooking and cleaning to help make this time as easy as possible for them all. I think another cooking class or two for The Girl is in perfect order too.

See? If I had been at She Speaks, I either would have had my thoughts divided between the sessions and this surgery (and guilt over not going to be with them) or I would have lost all the money invested because I did decide to stay home. That’s a lose-lose situation by all accounts. So God, in his infinite wisdom, yet again proved why Father knows best.

I know that many of you will be gone, but would you mind saying some prayers for us? Please pray for our safety in travels and also for my father-in-awe to come through the surgery with flying colors. The doctors are giving a survival rate in the high 90’s%, but I’d rather have 100% from the one who made his sweet heart in the first place.

Oh, and would you mind throwing in a prayer of praise on my behalf as well? Today I also received a call from my doctor who told me that it’s official: I don’t have cervical cancer. (I didn’t think I did, but it’s nice to know that modern technology is backing me up.) So WOO HOO! It’s nice to have that off my plate. I’m just really happy that God let me know quickly the answer that prayer.

Thank you so much in advance.

I just made a short list of things that I would love to do this summer.

See Mt. Rushmore
Attend SheSpeaks
Purchase all new towels
Pay off one student loan
Hike the Rockies
Visit an Amish community and buy lots of homemade breads, veggies and various items
Take the kids to Disneyland
Spend a weekend boating on a lake
Buy a stainless steel trash can (sheeze-louise! Those things are expensive!)
Take Mr. Right to a concert
Relax for a week in Mexico
Spend time with several bloggers
Go to Memphis for some out-of-this-world BBQ
Visit family
Eat Chinese from my favorite Chinese restaurant almost every day

However, all these things take money that I either don’t have or can’t spend right now.

What would you do this summer if money weren’t in the way? Or if you’d rather, what are you going to do this summer? Just because we’re not going anywhere, that doesn’t mean that I can’t live vicariously through you…